Magpie Mike rare eye lymphoma journey

  • Nearly half way through Chemotherapy

    Nearly half way through chemo It is the 16th October and I am back in the Beatson for my third cycle of Methotrexate which they have uped to 10,000 mg from 8000 last time and 6000 the first time. I get my ARA-C tomorrow and then all the '"rescue drugs" etc and should get out late Thursday or Friday A.m. That ill be half way through the Chemos. I come back next Tuesday just as a day patient to start the whole cycle…
  • Emotional month


    I have written this just 3 weeks in to being told I have a rare eye cancer which will kill me..I have anything from a few months to hopefully 5 years or so if treatment works well. I will update the period leading up to this entry soon, but felt I wanted to try and hare a very difficult experience with you in the hope it helps. Please comment and ask any questions you may have. I will be with you along your journey if…