Busy 4 weeks

2 minute read time.

I new things were going to get harder just by looking at the chemo schedule. I also new i had come through so far with only minimal side effects of tiredness and nagging headaches. It was bound to get worse I thought.

Over a three week period i was in for 6 days out for 2 days in for 2 days out for 4 days then in for a week. I had 5 chemo sessions with the Methotrexate being increased each time. The last one being 12,000 mg!.I seemed of coped well with only a few small ulcer / inflamed areas at the side of my mouth at the back being the only additional side effects. 

It dis not last. I was discharged on my wife's birthday (Sunday 4 Nov) in the morning and we went with our daughter to Lock Fyne Oysters for a lovely birthday lunch. I became very tired and felt unwell, with a mild headache forming despite strong pain meds. I went to bed on arriving home mid Sunday and stayed there until Monday mid morning with a headache.

Unfortunately we had to go all the way to the Beatson in Glasgow  (4 hour round trip) for a pre arranged MRI scan which we did. Results next Tuesday.

on returning home I went straight to bed with my headache slowly increasing and meds not doing anything. Even Oramorph did not touch it. By 10 pm I was in quite a state and Sue phoned NHS24 who arranged an emergency ambulance to take me to the local A&E. By the time they arrived I had been sick and was very distressed. I was sick again with the paramedics who took me to A&E where i was given Morphine. I stayed there for 4 hours on the trolley curled in a ball and not able to open my eyes as I very photosensative. The decision was made to transfer me to Inverclyde hospital which involved waking up the car ferry company (Western) to put on a ferry at 3 am just for me and the ambulance.

I stayed in there until Wednesday on a drip and plenty of pain relief and TLC. It was, they believe, a reaction to all the chemo over the past 3 weeks. I really started to feel a lot better on the Thursday and by Friday I felt very good indeed.

I go back in on Monday 12 Nov for my next sessions, that is if they are happy to continue after my reaction. I do hope they do as the next two cycles are the critical ones. Without them the previous 4 mean very little in terms of elongating my life, maybe giving me a few extra months at best!

I must add here the fantastic care and dedication the whole TEAM showed to get me sorted was brilliant. The support from my friends on the Macmillan forums has been outstanding, without there postings it would have been a lonely place. I can't believe my i phone battery lasted 3 days!, i was occasionly able to read a message but not well enough to respond.

I will update soon I hope.
