Sorry I haven't been around much

1 minute read time.

Sunday 4th July 2010

I haven't been on the Mac site for a while because I've been feeling very down and I can't quite put my finger on the reason.  Because of that, I've stayed away because I didn't feel up to offering encouragement to other people and that's what this site is all about.

It's true that we've had a crap week - one thing after the other seemed to go wrong - but we have had some good news this week, i.e. that John's scan results look good.  So why am I feeling so miserable?

I wake up every morning and feel sometimes that I can't take another day.  Everything seems so pointless.  I don't even phone my friends and family and I feel like John and I are trapped in a bubble.  Even our little dog Gemma isn't very well and everything seems to be piling in on top of me.

I know that others on this site have far more than me to bear and I apologise for being so miserable.  The fact is, I just can't help it and it's not like me!

I'm hoping I can pull myself together soon and be more positive so I can join in with you all in Chat and offer some comfort and encouragement to others.  I do miss you! 



  • FormerMember

    I Hope you dont mind me asking. But why suddenly are  the chat folk coming on to this site. Im not complaining we are all here for eachother just curious. Take care love

  • FormerMember

    Madge, as the others have said, we are all here to offer support so if you need it come here and get it. You don't always have to be the one giving it, sometimes we all need it ourselves.

    It's no wonder you are feeling down, the strongest of us feel the strain at some time or other. You have an awful lot going on and it's bound to take its toll.

    Good to see that John's results are looking favourable.

    Hope to see you popping in more often again.

    Best wishes, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Be gentle with yourself Madge. You have alot going on, we all know what you mean by feeling that you are in a bubble. Everything seems so sereal.

    Good to know Johns scans were good, I hope they stay that way.

    Sometimes when we get good news we are scared to feel happy about it incase it blows up in our face.

    I wish you well Madge as people have said don't stay away we are all here for each other, and if it is your turn to need support then we are here for you.

    Take Care Lots of Love Julie X

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge,hope this blog finds you in a more positive mood.  We all have to go through those episodes of down time where nothing seems worthwhile, its our minds way of hopefully regenerating for the next fight.  You are not here for us we are here for ALL OF US - no matter what we write, good, bad, sad, happy - we all share what's said and feel empathy with eachother.  You are not superwoman Madge you're supermadge whose real, so get back on here and say whatever is on your mind.  God bless, take care Ann

  • FormerMember

    You're all so lovely!

    But I already knew that! :0)

    I'm feeling much better today because John and I had a lovely day out with a very dear friend.  We took the car ferry from Sandbanks to Studland and drove into Swanage where we strolled around, admired the scenery and had a lovely lunch.

    Then we drove home via Corfe Castle, where we stopped for a cup of tea and a piece of cake right at the foot of the castle.

    It's done wonders for both of us and we feel ready to face the week.

    Thank you all so much for your sweet and encouraging words.  I really do love you all.

    Marjorie x x x x x x