Sorry I haven't been around much

1 minute read time.

Sunday 4th July 2010

I haven't been on the Mac site for a while because I've been feeling very down and I can't quite put my finger on the reason.  Because of that, I've stayed away because I didn't feel up to offering encouragement to other people and that's what this site is all about.

It's true that we've had a crap week - one thing after the other seemed to go wrong - but we have had some good news this week, i.e. that John's scan results look good.  So why am I feeling so miserable?

I wake up every morning and feel sometimes that I can't take another day.  Everything seems so pointless.  I don't even phone my friends and family and I feel like John and I are trapped in a bubble.  Even our little dog Gemma isn't very well and everything seems to be piling in on top of me.

I know that others on this site have far more than me to bear and I apologise for being so miserable.  The fact is, I just can't help it and it's not like me!

I'm hoping I can pull myself together soon and be more positive so I can join in with you all in Chat and offer some comfort and encouragement to others.  I do miss you! 



  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge.  Don't apologise and don't stay away when you feel down!  Many a night I have gone into chat feeling really down and my friends, you included, have helped to lift me and I've come off feeling much better.  We are all here for you and I, for one, have missed you on there.  We are all there because we need support from like minded people who understand some of what we are going through as well as supporting people when we feel strong enough ourselves.  It's a two way street, after all, if there was no one who went in there needing support there would be no need to have the chatroom in the first place.  Hope to see you soon.  Love to you, John and wee Gemma.  Caroline XX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge

    Don't stay away cos you're down - thats what we are all here for! Many a time I have entered Chat feeling down and your bubbly chat, caring words and witty sense of humour have cheered me up! So please let us do the same for you.

    Hope to see you soon

    Love and hugs to you both


  • FormerMember

    Hay Madge,

    you dont need to stay away when you are down, we have all been like it at some time or other.  We are on chat to suport each other at all times, through the good and bad times.  So when you need it we are there for you hun.

    Love Jan xx

  • FormerMember

    madge huni ,i miss you :), the others are right ,ive been in tears on chat before and i promise it doesnt take these ladys long to make me smile , and me and my big mouth are good at cheering people up too, let us help you madge, youve helped me , and you also know i know exactly how your feeling , love and hugs jenni xxx

  • FormerMember

    Madge come into chat when you feel like it we will be their for you. you are as entitled to support as the rest of us. Hope john continues to go on well.

    Love Rosie