Sorry I haven't been around much

1 minute read time.

Sunday 4th July 2010

I haven't been on the Mac site for a while because I've been feeling very down and I can't quite put my finger on the reason.  Because of that, I've stayed away because I didn't feel up to offering encouragement to other people and that's what this site is all about.

It's true that we've had a crap week - one thing after the other seemed to go wrong - but we have had some good news this week, i.e. that John's scan results look good.  So why am I feeling so miserable?

I wake up every morning and feel sometimes that I can't take another day.  Everything seems so pointless.  I don't even phone my friends and family and I feel like John and I are trapped in a bubble.  Even our little dog Gemma isn't very well and everything seems to be piling in on top of me.

I know that others on this site have far more than me to bear and I apologise for being so miserable.  The fact is, I just can't help it and it's not like me!

I'm hoping I can pull myself together soon and be more positive so I can join in with you all in Chat and offer some comfort and encouragement to others.  I do miss you! 



  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge,

    All your other friends have said it all. When you are feeling down is just the time to come onto chat. Many's the time I have felt down, come onto chat - and ok it may not be a magic cure, but my friends on chat including you chat have lifted me up with all your wonderful support.

    God bless
