Getting Desperate Now and very angry

1 minute read time.

Monday 6th June, 2011

John got up this morning but was back in bed after only half an hour because of the retching and pain.  Had trouble getting his tablets down but did manage in the end.  I hate to see him like this.

I cancelled his doctor's appointment for tomorrow to check his blood pressure and requested that a district nurse come out instead.  The receptionist was very offhand but promised to get a nurse to contact me - still waiting.  I actually think that his blood pressure is the least of his problems so not too bothered about that.

Then I phoned the Mac Helpline to ask how long they thought it would be before we were contacted by our local MacMillan.  Again no joy.  He told me it could take up to TWO WEEKS before somebody contacts us because they're so busy.  So, where do we go from here?

I'm dreading Thursday when we go to the hospital for the results of the scan but I'm determined to get him there even though he might be retching in the waiting room - the other patients will have to put up with it!  He carries a bowl with him everywhere now. 

Very scared about the future.  I don't want him to go into hospital.  I want to look after him at home but how can I do it without any support?

I'm seething with anger and yet the tears are welling up but I daren't start blubbing because it would upset John.   As my lovely nan would have said, BUGGER, BUGGER, BUGGER, BUGGER, BUGGER, BUGGER BUGGER!!!!!

  • If you need to let off steam, then where better than here?  To paraphrase Doctor Frasier Crane in the American sit-com 'Frasier', "We're listening".


  • FormerMember

    Madge,  You need to make sure you don't leave the hospital on Thursday until you have a clear support structure in place.  The way you and John are being treated is appalling so don't you apologise!  Sometimes the only way to get support is to shout louder than anyone else.  John is entitled to care and support and to being pain free.  It makes me so angry that care can vary so much from area to area.  Sending you and John lots of love and hugs.  Caroline XX

  • FormerMember

    Hey Madge,

    Reading your post reminds me a bit of how my Monday's been too...I made 6 'phonecalls before I could get to anyone who was willing to come out a see Mark today (Mac nurse on holiday, Prof in USA on conference).  The GP receptionist was snotty "Ooh, well I don't know...we normally expect all home calls to be booked before 10am" but I let her 'ave it and the doc was round pronto, appointment made for Thursday at the hospital.

    Perserverence.  Can't spell it for toffee, but you need oodles of the stuff if you're to get anywhere.  I've spent hours waiting for people to come by and help Mark in hospitals and now I'm getting more stroppy and more willing to stamp my foot (in a polite English way).

    Good luck with it all - and for Thursday.  My thoughts are with you both.

  • FormerMember

    I am so sorry. These people just don't understand the stress WE feel. Keep pestering them, phone them everyday. I know this sounds awful, but you find the 'loud mouths' seem to get help first.

    I also know its alright me saying this......but my John will NOT let me make any fuss.....stuck between a rock and a hard place. xxxxxx