Getting Desperate Now and very angry

1 minute read time.

Monday 6th June, 2011

John got up this morning but was back in bed after only half an hour because of the retching and pain.  Had trouble getting his tablets down but did manage in the end.  I hate to see him like this.

I cancelled his doctor's appointment for tomorrow to check his blood pressure and requested that a district nurse come out instead.  The receptionist was very offhand but promised to get a nurse to contact me - still waiting.  I actually think that his blood pressure is the least of his problems so not too bothered about that.

Then I phoned the Mac Helpline to ask how long they thought it would be before we were contacted by our local MacMillan.  Again no joy.  He told me it could take up to TWO WEEKS before somebody contacts us because they're so busy.  So, where do we go from here?

I'm dreading Thursday when we go to the hospital for the results of the scan but I'm determined to get him there even though he might be retching in the waiting room - the other patients will have to put up with it!  He carries a bowl with him everywhere now. 

Very scared about the future.  I don't want him to go into hospital.  I want to look after him at home but how can I do it without any support?

I'm seething with anger and yet the tears are welling up but I daren't start blubbing because it would upset John.   As my lovely nan would have said, BUGGER, BUGGER, BUGGER, BUGGER, BUGGER, BUGGER BUGGER!!!!!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge

    sorry to hear about John but i also agree and phone the Dr and get a home vist a.s.p, we are thinking about you good luck

    ((((((((HUGS))))))) TO YOU BOTH XXXX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge by the time you read this I hope you have had contact with someone who can help. I know how dreadful you feel at the moment, help should be at the end of a phone at least. A&E if you still have had no luck. If you live in me8 area I will come and get you myself. love to you both x

  • FormerMember

    Thanks so much everyone.

    John eventually got up at 12.30 and was much better so perhaps I panicked too much.  As of now, no phone calls from the district nurse but I will chase them up tomorrow.  

    But this has been a pattern during the last few days.  He feels so ill both morning and evening and then improves for a few hours midday.  I'm dreading tonight and I know he won't let me take him to A&E because he is sick of hospitals.

    His daughter is with us right now and she's brought some food for us because she wants to help so much.  She always brings a smile to his face.  She's coming with us on Thursday and it will be good to have her there although I'm frightened about what they're going to tell us.

    Sorry if I upset or worried anyone but I really felt let down this morning.  I am coping, I've got no choice!  

    You are all such lovely people with problems of your own and I really appreciate you all trying to help.

    Lots of love and *hugs*, Madge

  • FormerMember


    Please dont apologise, we are all here to support where we can.  I do hope that John gets sorted very soon, it is so hard, and I agree we have little choice but to get on with things.

    I cant do anything to help but just know i am  thinking of you both.


    Jules xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge,

    No Need to apologise. Better to be safe than sorry.

    Love you both. Sarsfield.xx