Family Problems :0(

1 minute read time.

As some of you know, John is in the MacMillan Unit receiving palliative care to get his pain and sickness symptoms under care.  He's been in for over a week now but will hopefully be coming out on Monday.

As if this isn't bad enough, I am having problems with his family.  We aren't married, although we have been together for a long time and own property together.  We also have Wills and Powers of Attorney in place.

I tell you this because his oldest daughter is questioning my right to be named as next of kin.  She thinks John'son should be named as his next of kin even though he hadn't visited in more than a year until John was in Bournemouth Hospital recently.  When he did come, he stormed out because his youngest daughter burst into tears when her dad was so ill.  He called her a drama queen and we haven't seen him since. 

The oldest daughter also keeps banging on about what his last wishes are and when his youngest daughter told her that he wants a woodland burial, she poo pooed that idea.  She thinks the Roman Catholic priest at the church she attends should come to visit him.  John is no longer a practising Roman Catholic, nor does he have any particular beliefs.  He has made it clear that he wants the woodland burial and that he wants us to be interred together. 

His youngest daughter has been an absolute star during the past couple of months.  She has asked for, and been granted, indefinite compassionate leave from work and comes to see him every day, bringing food and helping out every way she can.  His oldest daughter on the other hand has hardly been near him. 

I can't bear all this squabbling.  It's really getting me down trying to keep the peace and keep it from reaching John's ears.  He's so ill and so upset about not seeing his son too.

I and his youngest daughter have both tried texting his son to plead with him to visit but have not received a reply.  What more can we do?

Hope all this makes sense as I am so tired (again).  Would welcome your opinions and usual words of wisdom though.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge, I sent you a p.m. it seems suco and I think alike how mad is that.Hugs Chris.xx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Madge

    Never had any children so no words of wisdom from me.  But I think Suco has a point.  By getting married, not only his two older children may need to re-think their relationship with you (and John!) but will give you some terrific memories to make you smile when things get really difficult.  

    ((((((((((( HUG ))))))))))))

    All the very best

    Georgia XXXXX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge, I wish I could offer a solution but I'm not sure there is a simple one. The only thing I can really say is that after John is gone (and touch wood that won't be for ages) the entire family has to live with the way they acted and what they did for him when he needed them. You and the youngest daughter have done so much and supported him in the most amazing way, you have given him everything and that counts for so much more than a piece of legal paper saying you're married. The eldest daughter really could do to wind her neck in, the person whose wishes should be paramount right now are John's and if that means a woodland burial (which I think is beautiful) then a woodland burial it should be. What's the point in a full on Catholic mass when it wasn't what he believed in? This period of time isn't about making her feel better, it's about making John feel better. If you have wills in place and powers of attourney then there's really nothing she can do to interfere with your decisions which I am quite sure will be taken in John's best interest. She may feel that the eldest son should be next of kin (although I don't know why when he doesn't do anything for John) but then I feel I should have won Wednesday's Euromillions and to be honest, I suspect I have more right to £166m then anyone has to take away your status as next of kin. Maybe she's just angry at what's happening to her father and you're copping for it. Which isn't fair or right but people do odd things when they're upset. As for John's son, all yu can do is set out exactly how things are to him and leave the rest to him and his conscience, you have enough to deal with without them making it harder for you, John and John's youngest daughter.

    I'm sorry things are so tough for you at the moment and I hope John is not in any pain, sending you hugs, Vikki xxx