Today was a good day...

2 minute read time.

Today I realised I have been holding my breath for the past four weeks - and was able to breathe properly again. We met with our oncologist and got the staging results - T3/N0/1/M0 - and know that the plan now is chemo and surgery and then more chemo - I can now allow myself to believe that we can beat this thing and come through it - I know life will never be quite the same again - its always going to be there lurking around in the background sending out its insidious little messages and provoking fear and doom in our hearts but today we were handed the best possible news we could have in the circumstances and a fighting chance to deal with it .

So why do I feel as I do ?! I think because I had put myself into some place where the hurt could not get to me and not allowed myself to believe that things could be ok - because that would be tempting fate and because I dont get to keep the people I love - and today the shell I had grown broke and I broke a bit with it - but its ok I think to feel like that - the gamut of emotions that this whole thing has provoked has been exhausting but its good to feel more like me again .

I am going to give going back to work next week a go - bit anxious about it - its stressful and at times quite emotional working in a gp surgery - a lot of illness and inevitably death.One of my roles at work is as end of life co-ordinator - I will certainly bring something to that post that I did not have before.  But I also feel the longer I am away the harder it will be to go back and its coming up to five weeks now - and also I am not the sick one.

Chemo will start next week - and have some concerns about how sick - if at all that will make him - how best to help him through it - is this going to change him - but I know no two people are the same and we will just have to take it a day at a time and deal with it as best we can.

I feel a bit selfish worrying about things like that when I know some people have not had the encouraging sort of news we have had today and are feeling much less hopeful - which is why I tend to use my blog rather than the forum for some of the things I feel - its still a sounding board whichever way you go.

But as I said today was a good day - the oncolgist has told us to get on with planning our wedding  and indeed I shall - I hope good days find you all too - you surely deserve them.

L xx

  • FormerMember

    So pleased that you can breathe again... and that you get to plan the wedding!!! Great!

    Don't ever feel selfish for feeling anything on here...we all feel everything  and share everytthing good and bad and everything inbetween! and I know you will feel everything too as you go through this journey, so share away....and we'll support away...

    Good luck with  work next week...

    Big hug and enjoy the breathing!

    Little My x

  • FormerMember

    hi lyn,

      no one can say how it will effect him but you'll get through it,and believe me things are moving forward now,so its very good news for you both.

      I've just had my first chemo yesterday and had a rough time , but i got through it and today hasn't been that bad.

       So stick to your guns and together you'll see off this twisted demon,

     all our best wishes and hugs joe x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Lyn,

    That bubble you had around yourself was needed, now you have had time to absorb. No-one has the answers for how long, when etc... does it matter? I say this because in all I have learnt in my journey it shows me that we all have limited time. Maybe I'm a little warped because now I know there is a problem I am more tolerant, giving and understanding. What made me resentful before I'm now glad of. I hope this lesson stays with me!!!

    You may even surprise yourself about work and find that your experience helps others and in turn gives you comfort. It's also natural to fear going back, your life is not the same, it's the fear of the unknown that debilitates us, I'm sure your work mates will support you also it must be possible to resume work slowly (partime). Just because you are not the person with the illness doesn't mean you are not affected by it!!!

    Don't feel selfish please, I assure you none of us begrudge you the good news. Plan the wedding and party hard for all of us because I'm sure that that is what we all want you to do!

    Hugs and positivity Helen xxx

  • FormerMember

    I'm so glad you've had such positive news.  The hope of a cure after all this treatment will hopefully sustain you both through any hard times you might encounter over the coming months.  That, and your wedding, which demonstrates your commitment to the future, gives you both so much to look forward to.

    It helps that you understand the vagaries of chemo, and I think you're attitude is right, to just take it one day at a time.

    It's also good that you're thinking of getting back to work.  You're clearly a very caring person, and the new experience you can bring to your role can only benefit the people you come in contact with.  It will also help you to get back to 'normal' and put some routine back in your life, which is such a big part of coping with life changes.

    I am so happy for you both.  Good luck on the road ahead.

    Lots of love, Ann x

  • FormerMember

    thank you all so much for your responses and good wishes - as ever good to hear from you all. Helen read your profile with interest - my aunt and uncle who live in France (just south of Toulouse) have also had a pretty rough time of it lately - aunt was diagnosed with cancer of the mouth last year - we flew out the day she got the diagnosis - she is now doing really well and I have to say the Drs over there were absoloutely fantastic - I do hope your mum is having the same level of treatment.

    All the best to you all

    L x