Father has inoperable oesophagus cancer

Less than one minute read time.

Been a while since i was on here last , my mother in law had cancer, and sadly passed away after 3weeks from being diagnosed,  now my father.

He was  diaginosed with oesophagus cancer in September last year, but due to poor health (stroke 8yrs ago) no treatment apart from pallitive care offered, upto a month or so ago he was doing well, but now on morphine for the pain, and becoming weaker, he has lost weight, but his stomach is like a 9mth pregnant woman, we have good days and bad, and emotions are up and down, he is in a nursing home and me and my sister go in every day and never know what we are walking into..

Hes a battler and very stubborn, still tries to walk but normally has to go in wheelchair , breaks my heart to see my dad like this xx


  • FormerMember

    Hi Lou.

    It must be devastating for you and your sister, to have to see your Dad every day in Pain.

    My thoughts go out to you your Dad and Family.

    Look after eachother.

    Take care and be safe Love Sarsfield.x

  • FormerMember

    Hello Lou

    So sorry to hear about your Dad.  It must be so hard for you and your sister.  I don't suppose there's much you can do except show him how much you care and love him and going in every day is showing him that.  

    He sounds like a very brave man and it's good that he's not giving in easily.  I'm sure you're very proud of him.  Bless his heart and bless yours for being such loving daughters.

    I lost my Dad to oesophagus cancer and I know how hard it is.  Now my John is suffering from the same condition so it's like history repeating itself.

    Lots of love and *hugs* from, Madge x x x x

  • FormerMember

    hi lou my heart goes out to you .you are doing a wonderfuljob supporting your dad .my thoughts are with you big hugs valxxx