lou_'s blog

  • Father has inoperable oesophagus cancer


    Been a while since i was on here last , my mother in law had cancer, and sadly passed away after 3weeks from being diagnosed,  now my father.

    He was  diaginosed with oesophagus cancer in September last year, but due to poor health (stroke 8yrs ago) no treatment apart from pallitive care offered, upto a month or so ago he was doing well, but now on morphine for the pain, and becoming weaker, he has lost weight, but his…

  • mother in law past away

    Just wanted to let you know my mother in law passed away last Thursday, aged 64, 26 days after being diagnosed with cancer of the lung and brain, she deteriated very quickly and we are all so numb still. Lots of things to sort out for the funeral, which is on 10feb. She wasnt ready to go and she said she was scared which is what still haunts us, we know she is at peace now, but it has left a huge chunk in our lives…