New Site and Lost !!!!

2 minute read time.

This is my 3rd attempt at a blog on here.

First I have no illusions as to the complexity of the task in estiblishing a new and improved version of the Mac Site, its a massive undertaking not only to get it up and running but to transfer all the previous posts, blogs, members and threads so congratulations to all involved and know there must of been some sleepless nights.

This makes it even sadder that all my comments are so negative. The site is slow, I understand this is being addressed - thanks. The 'Improvements' appear to make both the navigation and following of  threads, blogs and responses confusing to say the least.

While I can follow some of the logic of the menu system everyone has a tendance to compare to the old version. I could go to a home page and see what my'friends' had posted, I could go to the response and comment - Now I feel alone and lost. I realise some of the problems may be mine and I am missing some obvious shortcuts that I will find in time. We all resist change, maybe I am a luddite, too set in my ways and resistant to change.

What probably bothers me the most is how the newbies go on, does the site allow them to find help, understand how to post a blog and even guide them into chat. Got to admit I went into chat and did not even post a comment it was so alien.

I  understand that a lot of time, effort and money has been invested in the 'New Site' and it is provided free of charge so I may seem ungreatful, but actually feel I have lost a major support that I invested time and emotion in. I have been there to support those who where new to the site, lost and hurting, but not looking for thanks for that, I was paying back a debt from when that was me and had my hand held and felt desperate. The site was the Mac Family.

I know I maybe being harsh and that its still the first 24 hours and I need to allow problems to be sorted and the speed to be improved so I will with hold my final verdict, but first thought is the current version is not fit for purpose and should of been posponed untill large scale trials had been carried out and problems ironed out before withdrawing the previous version.

I originally tried to post this to James in admin but after preparing and posting it got the message 'Error' enough said.

Sad, lost and disallusioned

Regards John



  • FormerMember

    Hi John,

    I wrote a bit of a silly blog about this site being taken over by an evil baron.. but right now I feel more like crying than anything. I am right with you in that i feel sad and isolated. I can't find my friends and what they are up to or whether they have blogged or not or how they feel etc. I can't comment on warped either. i can see that people are writing on it, but can't get there. :o(

    What has really upset me is that I could comment on blogs from my phone. Nothing else but at least that. This morning I could post on threads from it and now they have changed it so I can't do anything at all from my phone. That makes me want to cry. 1. as I have no internet next week and 2 cos I need an op and was thinking at least I can use my phone to check how my friends are etc.

    Big hug to the one mate I have managed to find and say hi to so far! (assuming this posts)

    Little My xxx


  • FormerMember

    It would appear John that this has become the place to keep in touch with everyone.  I can only find my blog by going through the blogs and accessing it that way, which can't be right.  If I'm missing a trick could somebody please point me in the right direction.

    Like you I much preferred it with a home page which detailed what my friends had been up to - if the same is on offer here I can't find it.

    I can't find my groups either.

    If you or anyone cracks it could you leave me a message.....although I doubt I'll find it!!

    At the mo the only advice I can find seems to be that I can upload a bigger profile pic....which I guess is better than an aeroplane!!

    Disaster thus far.

    Lost of Salisbury.

  • FormerMember

    John its so good to see a familar face tonight :)  although we havent `spoken`  and Pete ive been wondering how you and Ali are...

    Now im not the best with computers or technology but  i do know one thing tonight...i am totally lost :(  I dont tend to post much anyway and usually pop in to answer my PMs  but tonight is different... I cannot acess any of my mails or catch up with anyone here :( 

    I know i was a carer and not a patient but,,, i have lost my close family members and tonight this site is just adding to my feelings of being alone :(

    warm hugs to you all out there who  feel lost

    love scarlet xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    I agree and I think Admin should read this ! I too could go to ''my home'' and catch up quickly with those I had connected quickly with and who have been supporting me, plus offer my own support in return to friends or 'newbies'. I could click on regular blog chats that we have been keeping in touch on - I can barely find them now!

    And the only way it seems, to find what my friends have been writing, is to go to my profile and click on 'friends' and then click on THEIR profiles........... very very long winded and the new site has taken the immediacy of the family atmosphere away, very sad.

  • FormerMember

    I have just logged on after a week or two break, I AM confused, and highly irritated, trying to get around the new layout, a quick click on forum posts is no longer there, I dont know how to access my forum posts, eeeeek, really confusing, managed to get to blogs and saw your post xxxxx