Travels & Trollbeads Versus Transplants and Tw*ts

5 minute read time.

Hello my lovelies! Nope, no hangovers to report I'm afraid! ;)

Had an impromptu lunch date with the lovely Kerry last week, which was lovely coz she's very cwtchy and can always make me laugh too :)
Pam was over Fri for dinner - we are willing Glanusk to get her that little cottage!! She is another rather fab person and to be closer would be rather nice plus useful for us both too as our 14 year olds are friends :)) I talked about this blog and how it could be a different thing (secret so far haha) and Pam read an entr and it made her sad coz I'd been sad and then she was worried about me and I said, it's just how it is.

So, Saturday found me in Alex's car being swept off to Buckinghamshire for Vicky's birthday bash which is also an annual gathering for us girls who lived in London together all those years ago ;) I sent a little 'hello' across the border to Oxfordshire to Hils as we zoomed along (and Alex CAN zoom!!)
Had a great evening and caught up on the gossip and news, and then my friends made me a bit emotional as they gave ME gifts - saying the felt like crap friends because they lived so far away!! I had lilies and stuff from Lush, and a trollbead! (thank you Michele!!!) Fab food and lots of bubbly and a good ol' laugh, and staggered off to our beds at about 3am which was a bit early for us, so we must we getting old ;)
I took some duck eggs so breakfast was duck eggs, smoked salmon and bagels and lashings of tea!!

Rescued my mum from Deri and the dog and then headed back home - picked up Broni who hd bleached and dyed her hair the brightest red!! Just like mine when I was on my 20's ;) Of course school wouldn't like it...
Monday, 9a, in car en route to Heath hossie for PET scan. Phone call. Broni in isolation for hair thats too bright. WTF? Could I please do something about it? Yeh I said, maybe if I have time after my scan I'll buy some dye. So, I did, still red though, but darker, not flourescent ;)

Waited an hour and a half for radioactive injection to do its stuff. When the nurses come in to administer it, they leave the syringe in its metal tin on a trolley outside your room whilst they get a cannula in your arm. Then 1 nurse swings the trolley in, they plunge it in and then get the syringe back in its tin pronto then dash out of the room, unable to get away from you quick enough hahaha! I read ''For Love of Fat Men'', then played on phone, then read again, then dropped phone as dozed off! May have been the 3 cocodomols I took for back pain ..?
Anyhoo, eventually they came to get me - I took in Deri's small soft fleece blankey to fold and put under my lower back - the small of my back arches quite deeply if that makes sense and last time it hurt, as I have ongoing back pain etc. So, got comfy, got my arms velcro-ed to my side, as you MUST remain perfectly still (don't forget to mention you're claustrophobic if you have one of these offered to you!), and then in we went, into the giant fat polo that is the PET scanner - part polo, part tunnel, but a short fat one. Anyway, as I had looked at it all last time, I thought I's just close my eyes and do some nice deep breathing as I used to do in yoga all those moons ago... woke myself up snoring ....... I hope that provided them with a giggle on the other side of the glass as there is a 2 way microphone so you can call them or them give you directions etc :)))

Today was reflexology day at Usk House, and a coffee later with Kerry. what a lovely blissful foot rub that was!! And then Kerry said, actually, it's lunch at hers.......nomnomnom, beans and cheese on toast! Perfect comfort food, because I have been through the mill in regard to my emotions and thoughts in the last day or two!

Firstly, because I have gotten myself into a huge flap about having the transplant! I KNOW that it will be fine and I will be doing my kids a favour in the long run etc etc, by being here! BUT - I am SOOOOOOO tired now. I feel I need boosting up from all sorts of areas in order to feel ok enough to start it! Last night I was a bit of a tizz, trying to work out if there was an alternative, and not wanting it done at all!!!

Then Crap Dad called this morning. Wondered why I hadn't been in touch. Hmm. Pot. Kettle. Black. Anyhoo. Asked what was the next thing etc. I said about the transplant and the possible 3 week stay and how my mum couldn't do it for 3 weeks as not well enough and how I'd need to call on everyone to help out so I could make a rota.

Know what he said? ''Hmmm, well, we're all the way over here (WestonSuperMare) and I can't get over unless Marilyn's driving, sorry". In his next breath he told me how my stepmum (Marilyn) has had her money through from her crash last year, and she's been so stressed over her two daughters difficulties with a) pregnancy and b) miscarriage, and her own scare with lump in breast that is clear now, (NB - no mention of being stressed about me or my family) that they'd treat themselves to a week in the Maldives. Then, as they live in a big caravan (renting out their own perfectly fine house??) and have to be off site one month a year, they will come back and rent a cottage for 3 weeks, down the road from the site.
Oh really? Not just down the road from me, to see if my kids may need some support.
Not a holiday in Cornwall and then an offer to give their grandchildren some funds for treats as they've had such a hard time so far?
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, silly me. He lives up to his name of crap dad eh?
Ah well, his loss.

Tomorrow - Wednesday - Rituximab day. Must remember to take a nice packed lunch so don't have to suffer the perils of hossie sandwiches ;)

I had a lovely thing said to me today, which is another reason I want to do the secret thing with my diary... "i'm gonna learn from you the way you turn what could be negatives (some are lets be honest) into more positive situational thinking."

It's Imbolc too ya know ........xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    *waves back from o'er the border* I'm glad you had a lovely time with your friends!

    Crap Dad, by way of a contrast, is crap. Well, he would be, wouldn't he, that's what makes him Crap Dad. My lovely friend Joan has one much like him - she lives in poverty with her son, and I do mean poverty, I sometimes send her Tesco vouchers just so I can be sure she has enough to eat, while Dad is rolling in it. There are probably all sorts of good moral reasons why you (and she) would only be sullied by Crap Dad's loot, but ... yeah. Still, it's not really the money, it's the lack of moral accountability and, ultimately, his behaviour is his loss.

    School is funny. When I was at school, if they thought your skirt was too short (we used to roll over our waistbands - so we had miniskirts, but rather fat tummies) they'd make you kneel down on the floor and then measure the distance from floor to hem with a ruler, and if it was more than 3" you were in trouble. Why either a short skirt or fluorescent hair should be an impediment to learning is and will always remain a mystery to me, other than that school is designed to turn out grey, characterless, mindless zombies who will be happy trading their immortal souls for life in an office cubicle.

    Just reading about the PET scan made me panicky. I shall be in so much trouble if I ever have to have serious treatment. I freak out every time someone mentions having a radiotherapy mask made, too.

    Reflexology sounds lovely! My feet still buzz from the Taxol - I'm starting to be afraid they always will, a bit. But I have the usual problem, now I have time enough to do things, I don't have any money coming in to pay for them.

    Good luck with the Rituximab - I had to copy and paste that from your post to get it right. You are wise to take a packed lunch, I reckon it was the hospital sarnies that accounted for my emergency pit stops at Sainsbury's all those times.

    *zillions of hugs*


  • FormerMember

    Hiya Hilary *wave*

    Hope you are feeling a little less exhausted. I have problems with my fingers and feet which will go into spasm. I have to wear little boots with zips down the side, as if I try to put my leg into a knee high boot my leg just cramps up at an angle.

    Did you go to the same skool as me, cos the nuns used to measure our hems like that at the Convent I went to?

    Still got my radiotherapy mask! Worst part was when I was having the mould there were students there and they were all talking about me and I couldn't join in! Not fair when you can talk for the whole of the UK!

    Big hugs to you all xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Hilary

    Big hurrahs for lovely friends who spoil you and nobody deserves spoiling more than you do and also for fluorescent red hair!  I think you did well not to tell the school to concentrate more on educating the kids and doing something about the bullies (of which I am sure there are many) instead of picking on a kid who just wants to show some individuality (even though her Mum did it many years before - LOL).

    Sorry you are having doubty flappy days but you are entitled to have them but I am now sending you all my spoons because you need them much more than me and also a load of massive squidgy hugs which I hope give you some strength.

    MMMMMMMMM - beans and cheese on toast - one of my personal faves.

    As for crap dads and sisters - I believe in Karma and one day they will turn around and it will be biting them well and truly on their tender parts and boy do I hope it hurts!  Rubbish people do not deserve one more thought from any of you so concentrate on the people that do care and show they care by being there when you need them the most.

    Good luck with the Rituximab and hope it goes well.

    Much love and huge squidgy hugs,

    Nin xxxx


  • FormerMember
    Ah hullo darling I am typing this on my iphone lying on a lounger next to a pool!! How posh am I eh haha I am not sure this is going to work so won't write a lot in case and I think I said most of it in my email but sod crap dad. I guess my crap dad at least had a better excuse of being dead Slightly extreme way of getting out of looking after your kids but better excuse than tour dad!! :D Anyway after your transplant I am bringing you here for relaxing hot tubs and thing so look forward to that and sod crap stuff We love you xxxxx stormiga Kram xxxx
  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems,

    Every family seems to have a crap relative - I never told my mother's half-sister that Mum had died because I didn't want said h-s at the funeral making herself the centre of attention and creating drama. And anyway, Mum had always loathed her, so I felt justified. Crap Dads? I had one! 'Nuff said.

    Anyway not long to go now, but you're bound to get serious jitters, anyone would. I won't bother you with advice, just telling you you're always in my thoughts.

    Hove & lugs,

    Annie xxx