Results day, sort of?

1 minute read time.

I saw some fit firemen in the firestation gym, which momentarily distracted me from the training course... then I dashed off to get the hospital for my Boob Tube Flush and the results.

The consultant told me that the PET scan showed the lumps had disappeared apart from the one on the right hand side, so the chemo is working but I need more treatments ... so I will have 3b next week and then likely to need 4a and b too - at their team meeting on Friday they will discuss radiotherapy. But then she threw in this little gem - one option, rather than current chemo and radiotherapy, would be to go in as an in-patient for 5 days for intense chemo... she said it's not known yet, until discussed, if this would give a better long term prognosis than sticking with original plan, plus the side effects and any risk of infections would be more severe.

That stopped me in my tracks I have to admit.

I said that I didn't want to do the 5 day thing unless it was a matter of life or death. She said it wouldn't be. I also said that what would I do with my kids whilst I was in hospital? I said my mother would offer, but that she was 67 with a bad hip, one lung and uses a nebuliser, my stepdad is 72, and my 6 year old wouldn't sleep.... the consultant said my views for treatment were as valid as anything else and she would tell the team on Friday what I had told her. She said I would be less likely to die from the side effects of plan A than plan B?!

So I'm feeling a bit weird. The chemo is working, but I'll need 8 not 6 chemo's and the consultant  thinks dropping a 5 day stay into the conversation is fine - why that suggestion? Is the lump a serious lump, too stubborn? Or does she think an intense blast would be better??

So I should be really pleased but I feel a bit confused and there's nothing more she can tell me until next Wednesday.

So, I dunno ... hoorah for lots of lumps having gone, and , erm, um, oh, for the rest! 

Here's to kicking it's arse even harder and shifting any remaining naughty lumps ASAP! :)

  • FormerMember

    Hi Cariad,

    Good riddance to the lumps that ran away, and as Louise points out, there's a Plan B for the stubborn one so you're doubly covered. It's great that the team are also considering a third option, the RT - almost an embarrassment of choice, lucky old you!

    It wasn't until after I'd finished my chemo that the oncologist mentioned in passing that I'd had "vascular invasion" . Apparently when the path. lab tested the cut ends of veins on the bit of my lung that was whipped out, they found some bad cells. Now, my partner and I are both adamant that this vital (to me!) piece of info. was not  given at the initial, would-you-like-chemo-or-not-it's-up-to-you, consultation with the oncologist. So, I'm relieved I didn't say no thanks; but no thanks to her. Very casual, and quite the reverse of yours.

    So what I'm labouring rather tediously to say is that you seem to be in very good hands. So, don't worry ( no, seriously!), they're obviously looking after your interests very well.

    Chin up, you'll beat this hands down,

    Love & hugs,


  • FormerMember

    Hello my cariad,

    Sorry I couldn't get on earlier, i was out at a parents eve and soooo tired and school all day and back now.

    I guess she is saying that 5 days blasting might be as good as chemo and radiotherapy which would take longer and radio has its effects too.... short sharp shock or longer drawn out.. same outcome- kick it into next week.... Ask them again and ask them what they would recommend etc. Initially he gave me the option of the operation for baggy or not and 6 days in hospital  I didn't want to go into hospital either and argued about inconvenience and families and hating hospitals and all of that, but he persuaded me that it would help my long term recovery if I did this short term thing. After I had said ok, they then did a scan and said you have to.. ha ha. So, I guess I am saying don't rule 5 days in hospital out just for fear of daughters and mums etc as it is not long in the scheme of things and if it means kicking it long term, then if i can do it, you can and the girls could have some fun and visit you and I could visit you (if they allow visitors) and if it doesn't do much good then don't do it. Ask them questions and questions until you get what's what.

    I had a barmy idea that I would do 6 weeks treatment, and be back to work a couple of weeks after that.I still get annoyed and frustrated now ... but  I'm afraid this one is a long haul job. You are doing amazingly well working through it so far, but you will need a break and a rest at some time and it will take a long time, but we are here to hold your hand every step of the way and you will get there, just maybe a bit longer than you thought (says she)

    Biggest hug to you and appendages ready to be crossed again

    Hang in there, you're doing well.... lumps going one by one... boot oh there goes the last one!

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems,

    Great news that some have been zapped to f**k.  And whichever option you choose the other f***er IS goona get zapped to follow the others!!

    Onwards and upwards

    Take care

    Jan xx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you everyone. I am feeling a bit calmer now.

    I guess nothing can be done until I talk to them next Wednesday now anyhoo, so let's wait and see. And yeh, I can handle whatever they throw at me!

    I do love you lot :)


  • FormerMember

    Dear cariad9

    good you feeling a bit calmer. Try and get a little bit of shut eye love.