Results day, sort of?

1 minute read time.

I saw some fit firemen in the firestation gym, which momentarily distracted me from the training course... then I dashed off to get the hospital for my Boob Tube Flush and the results.

The consultant told me that the PET scan showed the lumps had disappeared apart from the one on the right hand side, so the chemo is working but I need more treatments ... so I will have 3b next week and then likely to need 4a and b too - at their team meeting on Friday they will discuss radiotherapy. But then she threw in this little gem - one option, rather than current chemo and radiotherapy, would be to go in as an in-patient for 5 days for intense chemo... she said it's not known yet, until discussed, if this would give a better long term prognosis than sticking with original plan, plus the side effects and any risk of infections would be more severe.

That stopped me in my tracks I have to admit.

I said that I didn't want to do the 5 day thing unless it was a matter of life or death. She said it wouldn't be. I also said that what would I do with my kids whilst I was in hospital? I said my mother would offer, but that she was 67 with a bad hip, one lung and uses a nebuliser, my stepdad is 72, and my 6 year old wouldn't sleep.... the consultant said my views for treatment were as valid as anything else and she would tell the team on Friday what I had told her. She said I would be less likely to die from the side effects of plan A than plan B?!

So I'm feeling a bit weird. The chemo is working, but I'll need 8 not 6 chemo's and the consultant  thinks dropping a 5 day stay into the conversation is fine - why that suggestion? Is the lump a serious lump, too stubborn? Or does she think an intense blast would be better??

So I should be really pleased but I feel a bit confused and there's nothing more she can tell me until next Wednesday.

So, I dunno ... hoorah for lots of lumps having gone, and , erm, um, oh, for the rest! 

Here's to kicking it's arse even harder and shifting any remaining naughty lumps ASAP! :)

  • FormerMember

    Sounds like really good news to me!  And if she thinks that the 5-day stay isn't the difference between life and death then just go with the next 2 courses as the last?  Loving your description of your mum and dad, got some weird images going through my head now!!  You just need that last push to get rid of all the dirty, evil cells, you're on the home straight! :) xxx

  • FormerMember

    Great news!

    I'm as confused as  you are but I hope your consultant isn't as confused as well.

    Top  marks for oggling firemen, but after the description of Mum and stepdad, I hate to think how you'd describe me!

    Good luck for next Wednesday, looks like finger crossing time is still with us, but at least it's working.

    Love and Big cwtches,

    Colin xxx

  • FormerMember

    I know I have chemo brain, but ... they're suggesting more aggressive treatment that might have worse effects on you? 

    I think I must've read it wrong. Never mind. It's a decision only you can make, of course. Good luck with whatever you decide.

    In the meantime - so far, so good. They're making some progress, anyway, and had jolly well better make more, or I'll be round there to have a word with them. (Bold words, for a woman who can barely struggle to the corner shop, but I am Terrible when Roused.)


  • FormerMember

    Good luck! You just have to weigh up all the options, and sometimes I think they just cover their backs by giving us all the information. Go with your gut feeling...I can't say more as I had full courses of everything and mine was just so stubborn. Each case is different.

    Take care, and big hugs xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Lets hope on wednesday they will spell it out for you, gut feelings are good, think you need to know what is the best to kick it into touch, then go from there, take care ...x