Nights off. Days out. Nearly D day

2 minute read time.

Well, R day went well, feels weird not to be having any more, though of course I won't complain ;) Another little milestone. Of course it would be wonderful if it was the last treatment EVER, but just the small matter of the transplant to do now. Should know dates next week.
Went to dentist for check up prior to SCT. Now, for me, this is a HUGE event as I am PHOBIC and not been for years! I need aa filling replaced and two roots out, but there is no active decay so I can wait until after the SCT otherwise recovery would be 3 weeks anc delay the SCT - if there was active decay then the SCT would have to wait but thankfully not!!

That night, Broni ended up bein gout at a sleepover too, so there were no kids in the house. I lit the fire, poured the wine, watched films, ate delicious pasta, and lounged on sofa........... oure, uninterrupted bliss!

Thursday, met the delightful LM for coffee and we had a long and fab chat which involved much laughter too :)) We also discussed how next time we saw each other properly, we would both be on road to recovery, as LM has an op and I have the SCT in the same month!
It was a most wonderful morning :))

Today has been a lazy day with Deri - although she was more active than me actually as she was out in garden on the swings, trampoline, toy horse etc! Ralh had lit a fire in their garden, so she made up an adventure about being called Lucy and rescuing the horse from the smoke of the fire :) She is always usin gher imagination, and most days is either being a pony, or a puppy, or a bear, etc ;)
Tomorrow we are meeting friends in the park and then back to theirs for lunch. I expect it will be a simple yet very nice lunch as J's hubby is a famous chef with a very nice restaurant haha!

All these normal activities feel surreal in one way, as in a week or two I will be sealed up in a room going through the SCT! Oh DO hurry up summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Huge hugs and love to everyone, whether waiting, going through, or recovering from, results and treatment. Proud to be sharing this journey with such amazing people as yourselves xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Ems, you got through scary are awesome and will get through SCT.

    Glad you are filling your time with lovely, coffee, cake, laughter, and lots of time to see Deri playing and using her imagination.

    Cancer U R Extinguished! Wish I could wave a magic wand so that you didn't have to go into the sealed unit, but if thoughts could wish it away then you would not have to go through it, as we are all thinking about you.

    Take care and hugest hugs


  • FormerMember

    Dear Ems, Our house is full of daffodils (well downstairs anyway) and I'll keep buying more over the next few weeks in honour of a certain Welsh hippy lady with an eccentric colour-sense and 3 lovely daughters, if you can guess who I mean...

    I have 4 appointments with my brisk & efficient lady dentist, one a week until March the something, when I'll be having 2 extractions. Which should tie in with your treatment so I'll be brave ( makes a change) and think of you.

    Cake, how lovely! I've been banned from making any more because beloved says he's on a diet ( though I notice the choklit & biscuits are disappearing suspiciously fast) but I'm perfecting the art of making bread. Well, having a bash anyway. My next will be a Delia - because the recipe comes with pictures, always useful where I'm concerned.

    We got through nearly 2 bottles of Blossom Hill "rosay" last night, rather  nice with a strawberry-cum-blackcurrant flavour. Beloved brought them home as a surprise, perhaps because Valentine's Day never got started chez nous. Better late than not at all ...

    Anyway, everything's crossed for your CURE, hoorah. Just lie back and think of Wales ...

    Hive & logs,

    Annie xxx 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems you amazing and lovely lady you!!

    Just popped in to send you much love and lotes of hugs too ((((hug)))). Onwards you go towards that cure hurrayyyyyyy.

    Don't know why i'm typing in bold and can't find the button to stop oh it's there that's better.

    Take care

    Jan xxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hiya Ems

    Well done for braving the dentist!

    Meal with a famous chef sounds delicious :)

    Good luck with everything and bigs hugs. I agree with Odin, a celebration when you, Tim and LM are CUREd. I think it should be a cake themed party :D

    Clairlybel xxxxx