Hickman, you're on your way out!

2 minute read time.

Hello my lovelies!

Wednesdays seem to roll round quite quickly.

I took a while to wake up properly this morning, on a Go Slow mode... Deri asked if I was ok today because I was talking slowly... bless her! So on the ball. Makes me proud of her but sad that she has to have that little niggle to deal with. I told her I was just a bit slow this morning! She's excited too because her new friend from her new school is coming for tea! ;-)

Anyway, it was tubes flushed AND bloods and dressing change today, so off I trooped. Had a chat with Sandra about kids crashing their cars, chatted with a lady who can't find a good aromatherapist, I said I used to do that but for obvious reasons don't do it right now - she said could she call me in a few months and see if I was doing it again? Hmm, this could be interesting :)) Also bumped into a lady who was waiting to have her spleen out the same week I was due to go in for transplant - she was on a bed having chemo - she said it was her first session as when they took the spleen out they found out she had NHL - oh I said, "oh same as me... you'll do just fine. Well, I am sure she will, but felt sorry for her when thinking of possible bone marrow tests and maybe the SCT... I was wearing my scarf I got from the wig shop, she liked it and we chatted about wigs and cutting hair shorter and getting funky with hats and scarves... I never wore anything like that before, apart from a sunhat occasionally, so I have learned a new skill - tying scarves in comfortable and acceptable ways hahaha!

Good news, my bloods were all very good, and a referral has gone in to get the Hickman line out - whhoohooo!!! Can't wait for that :))))

Popped in to see frined on way home and ended up having lunch there which was fab, then had an email from a certain friend abroad who says there are 2 trollbeads winging their way over?! I am rather spoilt methinks!

I feel very positive and as though everything is working, but there's tests and scans and checkups to come and that's a bit of a drag as I want to say goodbye to it all now! But then that's a bit impatient and you have to be more cunning than that when dealing with stoopid cancer :D

So hugs to you all, and hoorah for first day without rain for weeks here in Welsh Wales

  • Hi Ems you have come such a long way hard to believe you have only been out of hospital a few weeks and how you was then to how you are now.So many good things to look forward to troll beads race for life pic lines out hot tubs and most important of all taking back your life .I know all the check ups are scary and as LM says we are all with you.Deri certainly is a little star it will be interesting to see the woman she becomes.Im so proud of you much love huge hugs Cruton xxxx
  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems, Kids never miss a beat, do they! My Yeti when he was much younger used to ask all sorts of questions, he was only five when my cancer started and I did feel for him,  he didn't really understand and now he is twelve he takes it as it comes, but still gives me a knowing look ! 

    Its nice that you have so much love surrounding you, you have done so well.

    Love to you and your family

    Roobs xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems!!!

    So good to read how things are with you. Wow you are one positive lady, and doing so well after all that the hospital put you through. I think you deserve a big hug for that  (((((((((((((((((((EMS)))))))))))))))

    I hope that everything continues in a positive way and they take out the hickman, and I know what you mean about all the check ups and stuff, but hey if we didn't go we'd probably go mad worring?

    Keep up the good work and don't let LM lead you astray (lol), take things easy and don't rush!

    Tight lines

    Tim xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Ems,

    Just to say that you are doing great ! I know that all the tests, checks and so on can be tedious but you are getting there ....... here's to the Hickman line coming out soon, too. Your family must be so proud of you, especially young Deri - so take care and don't rush into things.

    Love and hugs, Joycee xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems,

    That blog was brimming with confidence which pleased me no end. Thankyou!

    I think that the TV had better cover this year's race for life with you and LM plotting.

    It sounds as though Deri is growing up and she will deserve that red car. What sort of woman will she become? If she grows up like her Mum she will be alright!

    Cosy cwtches from me and it's good to see you back,

    Odin xxx