Food, visits, more food, and Moomintrolls

1 minute read time.

So, Saturday, Deri was off to ballet then a 'pamper party' for her friend's birthday - pamper party?? Heehee! As my friend Liz said, when we were 6/7, it was soggy sandwiches and musical bumps in your sitting room ;)
So, that meant I had 11-5 to myself, as M was out - with Ben do you think?? :D, and B was out gallivanting in Cardiff. My dad called - gosh - so he and stepmum came to visit, bringing choklit and new PJs!
Then, because I had been saying I was upset over Deri's nightmares, my fave Moomintroll made a mad offer to come cheer me up, and I said it would be nice, and then we realised it could be done actually so had a funny meet up in the cafe!! I THINK she may have broken some speed limits to get there that quickly!! We took photos of each other being ugly trolls for Hils and then dashed off. If LM is LM, which one am I??

Deri swirled in shortly afterwards, very happy and excited. And then R, a mum from Deri's school, turned up with homemade casserole and French apple cake!! VERY kind!
I shall soon be HUGE! heehee!

Today I had a fab catch up on the phone with E from London. Then just as about to leave for lunch at mum's, had a call from K who said she was again staying with her friends on Glanusk (G&E and their baby girl R) and should they come over with stuff? Heehee! So, at 4pm, K and G came, with baby!! - and brought mince pies and ...ta da daaaa ... choklit!!!

I am quite achy today. I have felt like I may be on the edge of a cold, but it's prob just chemo bleaugh-i-ness - so, top up the drugs!!

Check up at hossie in the morning, then see when they want me next so can work out my week - ie, how many days sleep can I have and what else do I need to do around the sleep :-)

Much love and luck and cwtchs and hugs to you all, and Hils, hope it all goes smoothly tomorrow - Tim, good luck and keep us posted!


  • FormerMember

    Ha ha it was worth the warp speed driving to get there.. AND you didn't mention the choir you had assembled for my visit outside the cafe... So kind of you. red carpet as well next time eh? actually next time, I want enough time to go to the shop next door and look at shiny things like err trollbeads perhaps... ha haaa!

    As to which one are you.... I will have a think on that and get back to you. I think you are a Moomin of some sort... . Hils may have a good idea, she knows them well....

    Yay for a weekend of friends and chocklit and free food!

    Good luck tomorrow and hope you get a good date for your week... and now I know how quickly one can get over your way if one is so minded, I reckon I can personally deliver your next hospital missions.

    Mwa ha haaaaaaa

    Too sleepy to write more just now- (just sneaked on in bed pretending to be asleep)

    so just sending you stor kram and bug hugs and big nigs and cwtches

    Oh, just remembered, when Max was little and my mum died and things were a bit hairy in our lives, I gave him those worry dolls to talk to (I also told him he had to tell them very loudly what he was worried about and I hid outside his bedroom and listened in ha ha) They did help him a bit...

    Not surprised you are achy the speed you walk and how much you have done this weekend! take it easy while the girls are at school eh? xxx

    Little My xxx to speeding moomintroll. xxx

  • FormerMember

    Little My, which is the speeding moomintroll?

    Ah Ems, what a lovely day for you. I hope that isn't a cold you're cultivating.

    What an offer from LM to drive you to hospital appointments! It means you can leave tomorrow for an appointment today.

    Love, hugs cwtches and stor kram and whatever else moomintrolls need,

    Odin xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    hi ems,

      don't know how you fit all that in aday, ( just jealous cos i'm by my lonesome apart from the dogs). no wonder you plan everything around sleep. you need it...

      bet that wa a meeting and a half at the cafe just don't let our loon lead you a stray hahaha.

      Enjoy the food nothing like home cooked food to lift yu up ( sod the calories and weight gain is officially good for us) .

        big hugs to you and yours , joe xx

  • FormerMember

    Sounds like a lovely weekend for you all, and some worry-free time for Deri too. Has she been sleeping any better? perhaps you should invest in a punchbag, get her to draw what she thinks Mr C looks like, then whenever anybody is having a scary or angry or frightened moment they can punch Mr C into submission.

    Speedy Moomintroll is probably aching for you to say that you need her so that she can sneak into that little shop next to the cafe

    " Oh P, I just went to cheer Ems up, and so thought I deserved to treat us both as we are having such a tough time" NB Ems I said treating you both, oh and Hilary would need one too..........

    oh, oh,oh, pics have been taken! PLEEEEEEEEEEESE may I see (LM you did have my email...I can send it you again if need be)

    You are eating, and its all healthy (hee hee hee) so don't worry. My kids thought I'd lost it when I started eating Pain au chocolat with warm raspberries. They know nothing......carbohydrates, iron, vitamins!

    LM how can you pretend to sleep and write on a laptop at the same time? I know you are a teacher and we used to say that teachers have eyes at the back of their head (although a former colleague, many years dead now, had a purple dragon who lived in her stock cupboard, who would tell her if there was anybody who was misbehaving, and she never had any discipline problems!), but I think the laptop being open would give it away!

    Hope your hospital visit went well, and make sure that you rest too :-)

    Love and hugs to you, Deri and the free range teenagers

    Louise xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    It's so nice that the two of you can meet up like that Ems. Did you see any sausages?

    Hope you're feeling better today.

    Thanks for the best wishes, it was all nice and easy today, just the waiting now, as you know!

    Hugs all round I say ((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))

    Tight Lines

    Tim xxx