Deeeeeeeeeeeeep, man

1 minute read time.

Hello my lovelies! Congrats to Colin for completing his Run, and love and hugs to everyone here!

So, Monday was Stitches Off Day. Hoorah! Felt REALLY weird saying goodbye to the nurses coz it will be September when I go back!

Tuesday - Em M took me off to the Heath for my post-transplant chat. They took millions of tubes of blood and asked me how I felt and could I rate myself on their %age chart of activity. I am over 80% which is apparently Very Good for 3 months post-transplant. 70% would have meant I needed help getting dressed or something.......what the heck would 40% have meant?!

Anyway, it's been nearly a week but it's still AMAZING to get into a proper, deep bath, and be able to do something as simple as lie down in it! I can wash messily, splash water around, let the flannel drip down my front... no guarding of the tubes, no careful dabbing and wiping of my body anymore! I can just wallow and splash and wiggle and soak to my heart's content! And it feels FABULOUS!!

...all those little things we take for granted every day, from being able to wash, to being able to see your kids, to being able to relax a little, to being able to think ahead *fully* ... we all need to appreciate all the good stuff we have, and not put up with any bad stuff!

Talking of which... Jo came over Friday night and I got completely trolleyed :)) We had a hoot!! I do love my friends LOTS ;)

 The lovely Hils mentioned earlier about the joy of many  visitors, and how the lack of them was quite sad, as if having friends over kept cancer away .... and actually, her words do ring true on some levels... after all, friends = positivity, and being positive is good for our health, and thinking in a positive way does have some good kicking-cancer-up-the-arse qualities ... ;)

  • Hi Ems your blog made me smile and as Odin said you are an inspiration.You are so right about the little every day things we take for granted my joy was to have a shower.You missed a lot last year I remember you where in hospital on Mothers day and at the time I think I said how different the next one would be.How different everything will be now.This disease certainly tells you who your friends are their support both in good and bad times is so important.So here's to life and the enjoyment in all it has to offer.I will be with you kicking cancers arse So in the words of Spock live long and prosper Namaste Cruton xxxxx
  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems,

    Well I can't add anything to what everyone else has said except my heartfelt congratulations and hopes for you and the girls. Yippeeeeee!

    Hive & logs,

    A. xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Yay for splashing and visitors and 80 percentses! And for being brilliant, and for giving cancer a good sound kick up the arse, which is no more than it deserves.
