Day 2 on the good ship Gilwern

1 minute read time.
Well I took anti sickness and two cocodomols before bed and woke up with no achy neck huzzah! Doc came by and said I looked less pale and my neck looked smaller!! Already?! Oh yay and then some!! Just one bag of chemo today and more pharmaceutical drugs and I AM more tired but doing ok :-) Today I was spoiled some more! Lynne brewed fresh coffee in pot then decanter it into a flask and wrapped two china mugs and came to my hospital room! Wow! Then Jo turned up with pecan danish delights! Nom! Then my mum and Broni came with hugs, mmmmm, and melon and mango butter cream (my skin is so drybits flaking off on my legs!), and Lyndsey arrived with Amé to drink and books and pain au chocolat and mini popadoms! How lucky am I??? :-D By the way, my P went into 'panic about cancer' mode a while back and is hiding in his cave which is why I've not mentioned him recently. I offered him opportunities to admit being freaked out but he's ignored them. So I told him to stay in his cave as don't need folk around me who are daffy plus I'm surrounded by people who love me - and I'm not sad because he can't really help it and people's true colours come out and I have better things to think about... AND, people come into our lives for a reason even if it's not for long so take the good bits and smile and travel onwards... So day 3 tomorrow, another one bag day, another mission (LM gonna have to fill folk in!). Big love & cwtchs to all! Xxxxxx
  • FormerMember

    Have you done your mission eh? I wait with bated breath...



    .. to the laaaaand where I beloong... west... snigger snigger lah la laaaah...

  • FormerMember

    What are the missions??????????

  • FormerMember
    Thank you Chris! :)) Cheers Andy!! Lou- maybe but if he doesn't it's ok coz of all the other love :)) LM - I failed because I fell asleep all afternoon!! Heh heh! LM has set me missions each day and all of them were either rude or embarrasing! Heehee! I did sing out loud today and I did get a rude word in my sentence yesterday but she wanted another today... Lol!! Thank you all for being so bloody marvellously supportive!! Today a friend who lives AGES away rocked up completely unannounced- bless him! I am feeling very loved :-D And lump still shrinking ;-) Love You All Xxxxxxxxxx
  • FormerMember

    Hoorah for shrinking lumps and friends turning up... I will let you off today cos you fell asleep, BUT tomorrow you must succeed in your wankers mission. And you must sing still.... especially that line and say it wrong...

    Love you and well done.... nearly there!! I think you might be sad to leave with all these treats and visits... xxx

    big nigs and bug hugs xxxxxx

    ps were they as long as your leg?

  • FormerMember
    Oke doke... Singing AND saying wankers! I think I'll not be minding coming in next time ;-) No actually, only as long as my thigh.... Xxxxxxxx