Day 2 on the good ship Gilwern

1 minute read time.
Well I took anti sickness and two cocodomols before bed and woke up with no achy neck huzzah! Doc came by and said I looked less pale and my neck looked smaller!! Already?! Oh yay and then some!! Just one bag of chemo today and more pharmaceutical drugs and I AM more tired but doing ok :-) Today I was spoiled some more! Lynne brewed fresh coffee in pot then decanter it into a flask and wrapped two china mugs and came to my hospital room! Wow! Then Jo turned up with pecan danish delights! Nom! Then my mum and Broni came with hugs, mmmmm, and melon and mango butter cream (my skin is so drybits flaking off on my legs!), and Lyndsey arrived with Amé to drink and books and pain au chocolat and mini popadoms! How lucky am I??? :-D By the way, my P went into 'panic about cancer' mode a while back and is hiding in his cave which is why I've not mentioned him recently. I offered him opportunities to admit being freaked out but he's ignored them. So I told him to stay in his cave as don't need folk around me who are daffy plus I'm surrounded by people who love me - and I'm not sad because he can't really help it and people's true colours come out and I have better things to think about... AND, people come into our lives for a reason even if it's not for long so take the good bits and smile and travel onwards... So day 3 tomorrow, another one bag day, another mission (LM gonna have to fill folk in!). Big love & cwtchs to all! Xxxxxx
  • FormerMember
    Colin! Those cwtchs are just right! :-))) and say thanks to Odin for the ravens, mr Lumpy is still shrinking so they must be scaring him well! Tim - Aw aren't you fab?! Soppy is good! Thank You!!! Jan - yes you're right it IS lovely and I'm very blessed to have so many friends, in musing YOU lovely lot!! Xxxxxx
  • Hi Ems things shrinking that should shrink lots of goodies from loved ones ravens over head en suite copious drugs who said going into hospital is bad.All these goodies and they will have to roll you out of hospital.May the good news keep coming and the days go fast

    may all good things come your way 

    Chris xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi lovely, good job I can text you cos its taken me this long to get on here!!!

    WE LOVE YOU! so P can sit in his cave with the bat poo all he likes. Hoorah for lumpy shrinking.. I also have a door to add to my collection of things to thwack things with so if lumpy wants to pop round here, I would willingly oblige. It might make me sausages pop out but ooooh it would be satisfying eh?

    I think it is up to you to tell them about missions or not... snigger snigger. Its your pfing blog Oh I made myself laugh out loud then guess what pf stands for. Will I ever grow up? Hope not...

    When (if) I go in for my op, can I steal your friends to bring me coffee and nice things in? its too far away for mine to visit and I really missed nice coffee.... Sending you virtual pressies and you will get a real one when we meet mwa ha ha.

    Biggest squidgiest cwtches to you all I really have to say is:

    Take me hooooome, country pflapping roaaaad.... toooo the lah la la laaaa laaaaah... ...


  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems

                    Not surprised you’re a tired you are doing more in hospital than most people do when they are ok. I am tired just reading it all. What a talented family you have as well. On top of that the meds are doing good thing as well. (I think people say) You go grill.

    Good luck from Andy

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems

    Read your update this drops into my inbox so I can read even if I don't get a chance to write immediately.

    Fantastic that all those nasty chemicals are doing what they should be doing. ZAP!ZAP! ZAP!

    P may still venture out of the cave. Mine went into the cave AFTER two and half years of looking after me through illness and treatment, and has taken about 18months to come back, but kids were terrific and helped me when I thought I wouldn't be able to cope with his anger/resentment that the previous years had been all about me (that's what he said!). Jan and I have had a wee conversation re depression. Its so destructive. You've just got to put yourself first, and the rest will sort itself one way or t'other.

    You are sooooooooo privelidged privilidged oh bugger I can't spell! Why not....always been a good speller?

    Start again.......You are sooooooooooo LUCKY! Tim has even said he would go without catching fish if you could get better again.

    Wondered why there were so many ravens flying across. Hope they have left some at The Tower of London, 'cos something bad is supposed to happen if they all go.

    Book a removal lorry for Friday, because you are going to need it. Can the nurses find you amongst all the goodies?

    A drawerful of spoons, and biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig hugs xxxxxxxxx And some for lovely docs and nurses too xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx