Day 2 on the good ship Gilwern

1 minute read time.
Well I took anti sickness and two cocodomols before bed and woke up with no achy neck huzzah! Doc came by and said I looked less pale and my neck looked smaller!! Already?! Oh yay and then some!! Just one bag of chemo today and more pharmaceutical drugs and I AM more tired but doing ok :-) Today I was spoiled some more! Lynne brewed fresh coffee in pot then decanter it into a flask and wrapped two china mugs and came to my hospital room! Wow! Then Jo turned up with pecan danish delights! Nom! Then my mum and Broni came with hugs, mmmmm, and melon and mango butter cream (my skin is so drybits flaking off on my legs!), and Lyndsey arrived with Amé to drink and books and pain au chocolat and mini popadoms! How lucky am I??? :-D By the way, my P went into 'panic about cancer' mode a while back and is hiding in his cave which is why I've not mentioned him recently. I offered him opportunities to admit being freaked out but he's ignored them. So I told him to stay in his cave as don't need folk around me who are daffy plus I'm surrounded by people who love me - and I'm not sad because he can't really help it and people's true colours come out and I have better things to think about... AND, people come into our lives for a reason even if it's not for long so take the good bits and smile and travel onwards... So day 3 tomorrow, another one bag day, another mission (LM gonna have to fill folk in!). Big love & cwtchs to all! Xxxxxx
  • FormerMember

    His loss.

    Love you.


  • FormerMember
    Agreed :D Love you. N'night xxxxx
  • FormerMember

    I'm blowed Hilary! I thought I'd be the first to comment!

    Well, cariad, who deserves the title Queen Cleopatra! Lying there whilst people bring lovely gifts of all the things I love (except cuddlies) but should not have. (Those spoilsports at the local health centre even told me I drink too much coffee).

    I'm glad things are going so well. Long may it continue!

    Poor P stuck alone in his cave. As you say he can't help it, and it is the hardest thing to see the one you love suffering.  Bloody cancer!!!

    Sorry, back to normal mode now.

    I am sending you love and the biggest huggest welsh cwtches to carry you through today.

    Colin xxx

    PS. I'm sending my ravens to frighten cancer away. You might see them if you look out of your window!

    Odin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems,

    Yay for lumps going down, but boo to hiding in caves.

    I must say you do seem to be having some lovely goodies delivered, and don't you just deserve it!!!

    If I could take all of my luck from fishing and throw it to you, and all on here, so it made you all better I would, and I'd be happy if I never caught a fish again. (OMG never been so soppy.)

    Good luck for day 3 voyage.

    Tight Lines

    Tim xxx

  • FormerMember

    Yippee Ems, Lumps reducing and another day ticked off.  Hurray to more lovely visits and gifts and lots of yummy stuff to eat.  It's a lovely feeling to be surrounded with love.

    Take care

    Love and hugs

    Jan xxxxxxxxxxxxx Day 3 in progress xxxxxxxxxxxx