Day 11 - what, no tubes??

1 minute read time.

Good afternoon guys n gals...

Although too knackered to respond to masny posts, I have tried to read one or two, but excuse any gaps in communications! I heard about Tim's set-back, so hope he is now back on road to recovery.

I can't believe I haven't written for so long! I guess that demonstrates just how weak and feeble I am/have been!
 I had the ''usual'' fever from having zero immunity, I had vomiting, I tried the NG tube 3 times but kept gagging on pills so in the end,, after bringing it up 3 tims, we decided to leave it and give all meds via the drip etc.
I have slept all day and all night (apart from being poked or prodded by the staff, who, I have to say, are amazing here !) and until yestrday was really in a hazy, partly drug induced stupor.
I rousd myself when my mum came to visit and when I was phoning the girls, and then collapsed again!
I had the joy of a syringe driver for 4 days too but that was also taken away this morning as I am no longer in pain with my throat - even sipping cool drinks hurt.
I woke up today and for the first time felt a bit bored.......... a good omen methinks!
Saw the Top Guy, Smiley Consultant today; I am basically ready to go home as soon as my blood count comes up........ so let's focus on 0.5, asap!!

I am SSOOOOO looking forward to going home and hugging my babies!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sending all the hugs to YOU lovely lot too, you're all brilliant :))) xxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Too right I am, Respect :) :) :)

  • FormerMember

    Poor honey, you've had a horrid time. Being unconscious sounds like the best way to get through it. I'm hoping everything will start to improve from now on.


  • FormerMember

    Wow....I forced myself outta bed this morning feeling really sorry for myself and what do i find,both Tim and Ems on the mend..fantastic news.If they can get through it without moaning then so can I.

    Can you both send me some of your strength when you have finished with it cos yours must be extra special XXXXX Culottes 

  • FormerMember

    Fantastic news Ems. I knew you would do it, even though I knew that you would go to hell and back during treatment. Through all my treatments this was the only time when I wanted to give up as I couldn't believe how ill a person could be. I'm glad you were able to rouse yourself enough for your girls and Mum. Sleeping is the way for the body to repair itself, and so well done on getting plenty of sleep. I had mastered the arm out of bed, finger pointed and ear to one side for when they did my obs, so that I drifted straight off to sleep again.

    Now, next step is 0.5, then home and MORE REST!

    It will take some time to get energy levels up. I remember going to have blood test a couple of weeks after I'd been let out of hospital, and I was holding onto the wall as I crept along (G was parking the car). My consultant was in the corridor, grinned from ear to ear, and said I looked marvellous (and gave me a hug!) I said that I felt crap, and then I looked at his registrars who had also been looking after me during my numerous stays in the hospital, and they were all smiling too. It may take months before you feel human again, so don't despair. Just remember that you made it....and Mr C has been vanquished once more :-)

    Big hugs for you, good luck to D in her new school, and love to you all
