Day 11 - what, no tubes??

1 minute read time.

Good afternoon guys n gals...

Although too knackered to respond to masny posts, I have tried to read one or two, but excuse any gaps in communications! I heard about Tim's set-back, so hope he is now back on road to recovery.

I can't believe I haven't written for so long! I guess that demonstrates just how weak and feeble I am/have been!
 I had the ''usual'' fever from having zero immunity, I had vomiting, I tried the NG tube 3 times but kept gagging on pills so in the end,, after bringing it up 3 tims, we decided to leave it and give all meds via the drip etc.
I have slept all day and all night (apart from being poked or prodded by the staff, who, I have to say, are amazing here !) and until yestrday was really in a hazy, partly drug induced stupor.
I rousd myself when my mum came to visit and when I was phoning the girls, and then collapsed again!
I had the joy of a syringe driver for 4 days too but that was also taken away this morning as I am no longer in pain with my throat - even sipping cool drinks hurt.
I woke up today and for the first time felt a bit bored.......... a good omen methinks!
Saw the Top Guy, Smiley Consultant today; I am basically ready to go home as soon as my blood count comes up........ so let's focus on 0.5, asap!!

I am SSOOOOO looking forward to going home and hugging my babies!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sending all the hugs to YOU lovely lot too, you're all brilliant :))) xxxxxxxxxxxx
