Consultant Chats

3 minute read time.

Hello my lovelies

Hope everyone is doing ok. I know Cruton is awaiting results and Hils is in limbo so extra hugs for them, and LM had to put up with Nobhead and Mrs Positive ''only negative people get ill'' bollox so she gets BIG cwtchs too fo  not killing anyone, again!

So I went to the hospital Wednesday for bloods and to see Dr P-J (no she isn't a pair of pyjamas).

Whilst I was there I saw a young lad and a worried looking mum and they looked like First Timers. They were taken aside for a chat and then one of the nurses asked if I would show the lad (maybe 17-19 years old?) my Hickman Line as he was having difficulty understanding what she meant and he was being booked for one. Soo I went and showed him and told him that it sounded weird at first but was in fact very useful. I stopped short of advising him to have a general not a local when it happens! Then he was out in a chair opposite me and wired up to the drip and I smiled at him and asked what he was having today, and he shrugged like he didn't care and said he didn't know, he left all that to him mum to listen to. The nurse half joked with him that that wasn't good enough. I asked his mum if it was his first session and she nodded. He was having ABVD. SO I said the speech about everyone reacts differently but I'd been fine and he may be able to still work p//t depending on what happens etc. The poor lad looked totally in-denial-and-shock and I wanted to cwtch him and his mother. Fucking cancer!

So, Dr P-J examined my neck and said she could feel nothing - I explained Lumpy did start to swell again before I went in, and she said that is why we are cracking on with getting the stem cell stuff done, as my lump responds quickly to chemo but doesn't disappear - stubborn bastard! That's what you get for being an awkward cow with a rare (1-3% likelihood) form of lymphoma that is quite possibly as stubborn as oneself ... dammit! But there is the good ol' NHS spending a lot of money on me to make me better. So, combined with friends' support and the familys' support and everyone's love and some peoples' prayers and others' blessings, along with my determined-ness (ooh new word) and Kicking Pissflapping Cancer's Arse attitude, we're nearly there guys and gals ... well, nearly at end of this particular stage. Coz I know there will be maintenance and top-ups and blood tests etc for a while after the transplant, and we don't know when the transplant will be yet! The staff nurse said it wouldn't be too long due to the situation. And I didn't get a chance to ask her what she meant by that as the consultant whisked me off for the Chat.

So I will now have a CT and a PET scan in the first week of Feb - even if these show that there is no cancer visible, we're doing stem cell anyway to make sure Lumpy DOES stay away (as far as possible coz we know how tricksy cancer can be!)

Add to that the 3 days of out-patient for harvesting stem cells at end of this month and a meeting with my new stem cell consultant (Keith from Trinidad) on 7th Feb, and I am pretty much booked up for appointments!!

Talking of being booked up, the next few days are a bit barmy - coffee with JW tomorrow morning, then LV is down from Cardiff for lunch. Saturday, EB, a friend I am reunited with after 9 years is coming over with 3 of her 4 kids (one being at Uni) for lunch, catch up etc! Sunday K is down visiting family and coming over for coffee and natter. And my friend KN, just recovering from removal of thyroid, and I are going to cafe on Monday for a treat. Which is all good as it distracts me from going in for stem cell harvesting Tues-Thurs ;)

And my lovely 14 year old has come in from her first gig (apart from going to festivals with me) in a venue instead of a field and went in the mosh pit and did crowd-surfing!! She is a Very Happy Womble indeed :D

And its 1am!!! Get to sleep woman!!

Love You All


  • FormerMember

    Awful to hear about your encounter with the young man who was starting ABVD. Think females deal with illness more easily. We rant and get angry and generally let our feelings out. A young man, whose friends, if they are like most males, would not know how to express themselves and would go into a cave...well its really tough. Didn't know that they gave general anaesthetics for Hickman Lines. Had 3 put in with just local.

    Your lumpies just like mine....take the chemo away and they're back. As I said in an earlier post, mine were still coming up the week I went in for stem cell. They are not hanging about because of lumpies being aggressive.

    Great that the girls are still able to go and have fun. 

    Adam and parents are doing really well. Took my parents to meet Adam yesterday, and we were competing over who got to hold him :-) Adam is still being kept an eye on re heart murmur, but apart from that is doing really well. Unfortunately sleeps well during the day, but has been keeping his daddy up at night because he won't settle in crib. Ok this week, but J is back at work next Tuesday, so will need his sleep.....

    Keep talking to those stem cells reminding them of what an important job they are going to be doing. Hope the harvesting goes well.....can't be funnier than mine....3 days with legs akimbo because I had to have a femoral line because I had no veins :-)

    Love and hugs and cwtches to you and the family


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember've got a busy weekend...

    what gig did your daughter go to.....i like the sound of mosh pit...

    i been a bit of a rocker in my youth......still am really....i saw Rush last year...

    and jethro tull in April...if they let me change to wheelchair access

    love and hugs

    jackie xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems,

    What a brilliant positive lady you are, so tough to pf's shitty lumpy who's gonna get trashed to fuck for good. Bring it on Ems, let the busy schedule of treatments beging it's next stage and good luck with the harvesting. Oh and i hope they find a vein in a more comfy place than Louise haha. OOOh Louise that must have been a pain and a bit draughty eh!!

    Yay for lots of visits and outings with friends, enjoy, enjoy.

    Poor young guy, shitty cancer again, wherever he is I wish him well and a coming to terms with it, which is so much harder for young guy eh?

    Glad your daughter had fun at concert. Who did she go and see? My son goes to sonisphere every year plus lots of concerts but he's one of those who queues for hours so he gets on the barrier for a good view.

    Love and huge hugs


    Jan xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hello lovelies

    Wow - busy indeed you are!  Here's to stemcells kicking the pissflaps out of horrible lumpies and you can stay away for good you horrible things.

    Poor boy - and poor Mum who will eventually have to deal with the fall out when denial no longer protects him from the reality of his situation.  My heart aches for them.

    Stay positive my friends and as I am having a completely lazy do nothing at all (apart from eating, drinking and walking the pooch) I am sending you all of my spoons because I don't need them.

    Much love and huge squidgy hugs to all.

    Nin xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems,

    I agree with Jan. You sure are some special lady! That nurse made the right choice when she needed someone to comfort that boy, and I'm sure he and his Mum will never forget your kindness. Who are you referring to as an awkward cow? I sincerely hope it is not my friend or I shall have to come up there and give you a good talking to! My friend is a very brave lady, but you'll soon be at the end of your first stage of treatment, and on to regular checkups and maintenance.

    Good luck with the stem cell harvesting, I hope you don't end up like Louise, that sounds most uncomfortable (and drafty!). Take Louise's advice and make sure those stem cells know what an important job they have to do, saying pissflaps to cancer!

    Pleased your 14 year old womble enjoyed her first gig, may there be many more. Help an oldie out here, what on earth is crowd surfing? Am I the only one here that goes to classical music gigs? Even took a break from RT to go to one!

    Good luck with those scans! Vereyhtign si socresd!

    Enjoy your weekend, it sounds you are well organised. I have a meeting in Derby tomorrow, but no other plans.

    Louise, men are bound to suffer more, they are more sensitive to pain and fear! I'm pleased Adam is making good progress. You need to p[oint out that you have priority in holding Adam, since your experience in holding babies is more recent than your parents. J needs to talk to LM about sleep and work, she seems to have it cracked with that hut of hers!

    Best welsh cwtches to all, not forgetting cruton,

    Odin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx