Captain's log: day 1 on Gilwern Ship

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Ok. Day 1 = not bad. 3 different drugs took just under 3 hours. Bit light headed n woozy about 1pm but popped a pill and ok after that. Ate all food fine. Had visits from mum n Deri then Megz n Ben and then Kerry. Deri brought me a cuddly. Megz bought me pink bedsocks with my name on and Kerry bought bananas and green n blacks dark choc :-) Lots of anti nasty drugs given too. So slept well and having brekkie now. Bit headachy so going to take Hilary's advice and take more drugs; how can I argue with a lady with such impeccable taste?! Also waiting for opportunity to complete Mission 2 set by the Queen of Sheba. Big love xxxxx
  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems.

    Glad you're feeling OKish and long may that continue.

    A great family visit, they have obviously been well trained.

    Ohhhhhhhhhhh! G&Bs! I love it, but I'd better not; you know what happened last time!

    Well two days down and only three to go! You're nearly half way there.

    Keep recycling the pee! Soon be home to fresh water!

    Love and cwtches cariad

    Colin xxxxxx

    PS I'm Colin when I really, really, really mean what I say (I think) x

  • Hi Ems good to hear you are doing so well keep taking copious amounts of drugs.What lovely prezzies they thought of everything a girl could want.It's freezing here would be nice to be tucked up with nice bed socks and chockie yum.Hope each day better than one before and that the time goes quickly still got all things crossable crossed 

    Big Hugs xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Yay for family visits with pressies. It's lovely when they all turn up round the corner isn't it.

    Glad things are going ok, day 1 ticked off hurray.  And Louise is right, drink plenty of fluids, much more than you normally would and that will mean lots of weeing hehe.

    Love and hugs

    Take care


    ps you've not mentioned if the view is lovely, i have been wondering?

  • FormerMember

    .........and wear Tena ladies just in case some bugger is occupying the loo when you need it! Oh forgot that you are dead posh and got an ensuite now. Enjoy that G& can have my share as well as Colin's! My health trainer has been in touch today and I have to see her on 20th Dec and to have lost 9lb by then. She can live in hope....sent a text to say that I should have lost 91lb by then. Ha ha ha! Also see my consultant for 6mth check up on the same day. How delightful :-)

    Oh, go doolally! I did and it sent everyone into a tizz. I tried to wee in the rubbish bin, and kept sending nonsense texts to anyone on my mobile. That's when they gave me the stuff that made me wee a different colour every day
