Captain's log: day 1 on Gilwern Ship

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Ok. Day 1 = not bad. 3 different drugs took just under 3 hours. Bit light headed n woozy about 1pm but popped a pill and ok after that. Ate all food fine. Had visits from mum n Deri then Megz n Ben and then Kerry. Deri brought me a cuddly. Megz bought me pink bedsocks with my name on and Kerry bought bananas and green n blacks dark choc :-) Lots of anti nasty drugs given too. So slept well and having brekkie now. Bit headachy so going to take Hilary's advice and take more drugs; how can I argue with a lady with such impeccable taste?! Also waiting for opportunity to complete Mission 2 set by the Queen of Sheba. Big love xxxxx
  • FormerMember

    Drugs, drugs, drugs, drugs ...

    I'm sorry, I was singing a little song to myself there, in between RAGING about stupid cancer awareness memes that don't mention cancer, GRRRRR RAGE HULK SMASH.

    Good morning, starshine! There is one good thing about hospital, and that is that people know they must bring you gifts and shiny things and choklit because IT IS THE LAW.

    Hang in there, as if you were (a) going to do anything else or (b) had a choice. Thinking of you, lovey!


  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems

    Glad day one went ok, and your hospital pad is comfy. Think it was Colin who commented about you being the first to like being in hospital, but in 2008 I spent as much time in hospital as I did at home, and so it became my 2nd home, and nurses and doctors my 2nd family. I was in on New Years Eve / New years day 2009, and my consultant popped in in New Years Day and said I think you need to be home (think the nurses may have said that another patient and I had been up watching fireworks and 'dancing' down the corridor at midnight). As he was filling in my discharge he asked what the date was and I said "What happened to 2008?" He raised his eyebrow and said "You were here!"

    You have impeccable taste my dear...G&B chocolate :-)

    You just need to find someone that you can have a competition with to see who fills most bedpans/ does the most wee in 24hours.

    Drugs are good, but headaches may also be down to not drinking enough ....and I'm not talking vino or G&Ts! Some drugs act as diuretics so you need to drink plenty, probably more than you usually do.

    Somehow missed these missions........

    Love to all of you xxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems,

    Glad you've settled in and are getting plenty of drugs to keep you feeling well, you want to be well enough to receive your visitors and lovely gifts. Whoops, I just had to duck out of the way of some of the stupid stuff on facebook that was thrown out by Hils.

    I certainly hope that the following days will be no worse than day 1 for you, and hopefully they'll be better. Time flys when your having fun, so you'll soon be out of there!!!!

    Hopefully the drugs won't confuse you, otherwise you may end up wearing bananas on your feet and eating pink bedsocks ;-)

     Oh and I think I will be popping out to get some GnB lunch time as you've brought back the craving I had buried for so long.

    Tight Lines

    Tim xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems,

    There was I trying hard to beat my craving for chocolate & there are you tormenting me. Not very friendly, but I might forgive you if I get a cuddly and some bedsocks for Christmas. Beloved isn't very cuddly at the moment, a bit moody because of ... well, you name it! I think it's going to be another of those days.

     Plus, it's cold, damp & gloomy here, proper November, and I envy you that nice cosy bed and lots of dozes and no chores - and chocolate!

    love & hugs,

    Annie xxx


  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems

    Glad that you have cosied into your hospital bed and you are being spoiled.  DEMAND more choklit!  It is soooooooo definitely the law!

    The bedsocks sound groovy too and if the drugs make you a bit absent minded you only have to look at your feet to make you remember who you are!

    Take care hunni!

    Much love,

    Nin xxxx