belated day -5, short but sweet?

1 minute read time.

Greetings. Couldn't quite muster the strength to get online last night so here's the gist of what happened yesterday -

Woke up not feeling refreshed! I think having so many fluids and having to pee every hour doesn't help one's sleep patterns! ;)

Slept all day apart from being woken for obs, food etc, but didn't want any food... forced the soup down at lunch time. Tried plain jacket spud at dinner time. Had been cold all afternoon, 'uh-oh' I thought, 'here comes something'!

Managed to call Pam (wonderfully looking after my girls this weekend) and Deri briefly about 6pm, I do miss my girlies!!

So yes, threw up at 7pm, and then slept all night from there! Have a vague memory of them doing my obs more often so assumed I had a temperature too.

So it is like a roller coaster really! ;)

WOke up and grabbed the card n pressie that Meg told me to being in with me for Mothers Day today - lovely card and funky bedsocks (already had my trolllbead last week) - the card reminded me of why I am here - to kick this pissflapping bastard cancer back where it belongs - ie: far away from me, or any of us hahaha!

Lotsa love to you all


  • FormerMember
    Good for you getting in the One and snoozing through it! Sorry ou are sick. That is rubbish. In fact the whole thing is rubbish but as you say it's cos you're worth it!! And your lovely girls will have their mum home soon enough. I wish you days that go quickly and courage for the speedy journey oh and twattybollox to cancer ... Hang on in there and if you are not snoozing you know I am at the end of a phone watching my crap telly xxx I might also say that the best cure for puking is singing really loudly!! All together now.... Take me hoooooome cun...... :D love you xxxx
  • FormerMember

    Sorry you're feeling icky, but as Annie says, better out than in. Sleep through the worst of it and let us know how you are when you feel up to it. We're all here waiting.

    Cruton with the bin and Respect are on duty with LM, but if she hurries  up and farts, they will come scurrying over to you in case they are needed.

    Meanwhile the rest of us are there with you!

    Best Welsh cwtches,

    Odin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Good morning Ems,

    Are we one -4 now?  Hope your trooping on ok.  We're all here spurring you and LM on together. 

    Huge hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxx