belated day -5, short but sweet?

1 minute read time.

Greetings. Couldn't quite muster the strength to get online last night so here's the gist of what happened yesterday -

Woke up not feeling refreshed! I think having so many fluids and having to pee every hour doesn't help one's sleep patterns! ;)

Slept all day apart from being woken for obs, food etc, but didn't want any food... forced the soup down at lunch time. Tried plain jacket spud at dinner time. Had been cold all afternoon, 'uh-oh' I thought, 'here comes something'!

Managed to call Pam (wonderfully looking after my girls this weekend) and Deri briefly about 6pm, I do miss my girlies!!

So yes, threw up at 7pm, and then slept all night from there! Have a vague memory of them doing my obs more often so assumed I had a temperature too.

So it is like a roller coaster really! ;)

WOke up and grabbed the card n pressie that Meg told me to being in with me for Mothers Day today - lovely card and funky bedsocks (already had my trolllbead last week) - the card reminded me of why I am here - to kick this pissflapping bastard cancer back where it belongs - ie: far away from me, or any of us hahaha!

Lotsa love to you all


  • FormerMember
    Good morning and I hope you have a better day today or in fact as great a day you can when kicking the s*** out cancer, you go girl xxxx
  • FormerMember

    Good morning my dear Ems,

    Hope you've slept off that chilly feeling and nausea, ugh.

    Yep, you are kicking that PF's cancer to f**k good style.  And everyday ticked off on my rabbit list is one less to do and one closer to that goal.  -5 and ticking xxxxxxx

    Huge hugs and Happy Mothers Day

    Jan xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Lovely to hear from you Ems!

    Your girls are rightly making it as great a Mothering Sunday as possible in the circs., & they're a credit to you, all the more so since you've done most of the bringing-up single-handed!

    Sorry you threw up but better out than in, eh?! You carry on sleeping as often and as long as you want, we're all still here with vibes going out to you, appendages crossed and, in my case, daffs all round!

    Not long now, stay strong, you're worth it (and how!)

    Hive & logs,

    Annie xxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Poor sweetie. I hope you're feeling a bit better - but I can't help but feel that 'asleep' is the best way to be, in the circs. That's what I'm aiming for, if and when I finally go in!

    *squillions of non-vomity hugs*


  • Hi Ems hope today is a better day and also the following days.What a lovely gift from the ones you love and who love you and here's to kicking PF cancer right where it hurts and back to were it belongs.Next Mothers day you will be spending it in a very different place and in a very different way.Sleep as others have said when you can and I hope the days go fast more non vomity hugs all things remain well and truly crossed Cruton xxxxxx