October 13 Waiting for an operation

1 minute read time.

Haven't been on here for a while have been having a bit of a rubbish time, became incontinent due to the tumour in my pelvis wrecking my bladder, which really brought  me down.  Have had some really bad pain episodes as my tumour started to die and take bits of my insides with it, but at least now it is not visible on scans.  They won't say its gone but it's not visible so I hope it is dead, my chemo tablets continue to shrink my lung mets and the side effects have been manageable, I now have lovely snow white hair.

I am having a urostomy on 7th Nov which will involve creating a stoma and will cure my incontinence which will improve my quality of life enourmously, do you know that no matter how incontinent you are the nhs only allows you to have a certain amount of pads/pants per day and when you run out tough! if your delivery is not due and you have used too many you can't have anymore, I couldn't beleive it but its true, luckily I will be able to buy my own to see me through to my op, but if I didn't have the money because I am still working what would I do?

I continue to be inspired by people on this site, my heart soars when someone says I was given 6 months 3 years ago! I remain positive and keep a keen eye on all the new developements, we seem to be luckily in a time when breakthoughs in cancer treatments are coming thick and fast, don't know what triggered this as it seems that previously most treatments were at least 30 years old!  But we are in a new hopefull era where no one should be told they are terminal unless the doctors know that the patient is going to die withing days or weeks, everyone should be given hope, so 18 months from being told I was incurable I stil look forward to many years ahead, along with all my incurable friends on here.
