Living Life Redefined

  • Trying to be patient for our last PET scan next week


    Final PET scheduled for next Thursday.  Consult with Oncology next Friday

    After Terry's 6th and final RCHOP treatment, we had a little rough time of it, as the fatigue was the worst.  The day after his last treatment (3 weeks ago today), he immediately started to "drag".  It was the worst recovery time he suffered through these past 5 months of chemo.  Never really had much appetite or nausea through it all;…

  • Tomorrow's PET Scan


    Waiting for information is always hard and, for me, writing and talking about my fears and worries is therapeutic; but blogging about the things we've experienced also serves as a diary of sorts.  Everything is documented and there to help me recollect things I need to, in caring for my husband.  But, I also think it may help others who are facing similar experiences.  

    Last Friday, my Terry came home with some of the…

  • Whewww . . . That was a relief!


    Couldn't believe it.  We were hoping, but never really expected Terry's Deauville score would be that coveted, magic "1".  But, as usual, as only my Terry can . . . he amazed all of us with that complete remission we were all praying for.  Of course, that means we now have a chance for that "cure" that we were hoping for in a few years.  The oncologist said she likes to watchfully waiting for 5…

  • Possible Late Effects of RCHOP


    I've been absent from the site for a while but always feel like I have a home here.  As with many others, "No news is good news", right?  That's the case more than not; so, I'm no different in that regard I suppose.  Things, since I last "blogged" an update of sorts about my husband's Non-Hodgkin's Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma (late Stage III/Stage IV) remission have been good.  We…

  • Waiting For Results Is The Worst


    Since my last blog post, we have had a couple of developments I'd like to share. 

    Terry's limp/knee pain continues to come and go . . . and the results of his bone density test DID reveal some troubling osteopenia he is now supposed to take care of by doubling up on his Vitamin D and consume 1,200 mg of calcium a day.  They suggested supplements, but we decided to try and get that in him with nutritional changes…