Trying to be patient for our last PET scan next week

1 minute read time.

Final PET scheduled for next Thursday.  Consult with Oncology next Friday

After Terry's 6th and final RCHOP treatment, we had a little rough time of it, as the fatigue was the worst.  The day after his last treatment (3 weeks ago today), he immediately started to "drag".  It was the worst recovery time he suffered through these past 5 months of chemo.  Never really had much appetite or nausea through it all; but the fatigue, definitely, builds.  It took him a good week and a half to start feeling better.  But, he is regaining strength and stamina AND has even started seeing his hair start to come back.  He's feeling so much better.  

We have our follow-up scan and consult next week (Thursday, the PET; Friday, our consult to go over the results). So, the scanxiety we expected is starting to build.  Expecting good news and the magic Deauville "1" score we're hoping for that should indicate a complete remission prognosis.

We're celebrating his chemo survival with a "BEAT THE BEAST" party a week from this coming Saturday with a harmless target practice, taking potshots at all his empty pill bottles and "Sharps" container we used after each of his Neulasta On-Body doses.  No live ammo . . . just harmless BB's, landscape stones or whatever else we can find to take all those weapons of war down with the beast he's survived, fighting for return to good health.  

The waiting for the results will be difficult, but we've survived worse, for sure.
