Catch up

2 minute read time.

I'm pasting this from my profile as I don't want to type it all again, or go into detail of how I got to where I am.

I was diagnosed with bowel cancer in August 2007 when I was 45. I had chemo and radiotherapy (causing an early menopause) to shrink the tumour before it was removed in December 2007. I started chemo in Feb 2008. In January 2010 I was told I had a secondary tumour in each lung. One was removed in February and the other in March. I started chemo in June 2010. In December 2010 I was told I had a tumour on my right adrenal gland. I had that removed in June 2011. I have another tumour in my bowel area and I am expecting treatment for that once I've recovered from the adrenalectomy.

Scan then diagnosed lung and liver mets. Operation for liver resection scheduled for December 2011, to be followed by lung op. unfortunately when they put the camera in they found more cancer in my abdomen so didn't do the resection. I started chemo (oxylaplatin and capecetabine) in February 2012 with cetuximab added from the 3rd cycle. They are describing the treatment as palliative but I haven't asked how long I have as I guess it depends on whether the treatment works.

Chemo finished in August, so just on cetuximab now with weekly infusions. Side effects are spots (lots of them), and things not healing, Various bits of me are sore pretty much constantly. But better than coming off the drug!

Another tumour found in September - in the abdominal wall. Onc referred to it as 'seeding' as it's just under a scar from one of the laparoscopic procedures. One dose of radiotherapy, but it doesn't seem to have made a difference.

According to my last scan, the Cetuximab isn't working any more. So the treatment is being changed to irinotecan 5FU and hopefully Avastin - depending on funding. Another picc line due 5 Feb, with chemo starting 6th. Started chemo, irinotecan, 5fu push and pump, folinic acid, and Avastin. Scan due end of April. I'm quietly optimistic about the results as the tumour in my abdomen, that I can feel, is smaller - unless I'm kidding myself! Scan showed good reduction in tumours, so on with the next 6 chemos. But it's not all about me. My husband has been diagnosed with metastatic malignant melanoma that has spread to lungs and brain. He's had 2 brain tumours removed is is now on a biological therapy. It's not good, stage 4, and I really don't know how long he's got. All hopes are on the drugs working. It's like it just crept up while we were thinking about me and worrying about my 'can't cure you' diagnosis. I thought I'd be the one leaving him behind, now it looks more likely to be the other way round. But we're not in a race.....  

  • FormerMember
    Oh Mandy, life is indeed a bitch. When I was diagnosed with anal cancer, which is incredibly painful, and so is the treatment, all I could think it was like I was being punshined for something. I kept thinking I must have done something terrible in a previous life to deserve this. I try to live my life as a good citizen, help people and be nice to people, and yet this happens to me. Why, I ask myself. Because cancer dose'nt care who it takes, and you can be the nicest person in the world and still get it! I will be honest, sometimes it feels like there is no justice, and there are times we can all become resentful of this. But we pick ourselfs up and carry on, because we have to. I hope the chemo works for you and I am so sorry to hear about your husband. Just love each other each day you have and no regrets. I am currently waiting for biopsy results and try to live and enjoy each day as it comes. I send you lots of positive healing and a little sprinkle of sparkle to try and help you through each day xx