It's been a while............

1 minute read time.

It's been a while since I last posted but there is a reason for this. It has been a struggle.......

Since katie had her operation to debulk her bowel and remove the cysts on her overies she has struggled to settle down. She has been left with a Stoma and has struggled to come to terms with it, as have I. She has been in pain and discomfort and has had horrendous insomnia. I have asked her to go counselling do deal with it all but she is just not up for it. We are too young for all this, Katie is only 46 and I haven't seen my 40th yet. Her bowel became "sticky" and she has struggled to eat for months. It came to a head a couple of weeks ago while she was on her second cycle of chemo, she was throwing up constantly and when I called the on call doctor he told me to call an ambulance.

She was then taken to our local A&E were she was accessed. They pocked and prodded and my wife was in tears at the thought of having to spend more time in hospital but what could I do!!!!!!!! I was terrified. Her markers have risen again and they prepped her for an op, only to say she is to ill. They then kept her nil by mouth for 10 days............ My wife has suffered from CF all her life and the weight just dropped of her. She is now less than 50kg. I can see her port-a-cath through her skin.

Since coming home her Stoma output has been runny and that is an understatement. She has been on solid food now for over a week and it will not settle. For a 46yr old women this is devastating.  Now she has to have emergency chemo again and I am worried she will not survive this. it made her incredibily sick last time and if she can't keep her food down then she will just lose more weight. It just seems never ending. The sooner they can cure all forms of cancer the better. No one should have to go through what my wife has been through in the last year. Especially when you have had to fight all your life just to stay alive.
