Every cloud has a silver lining.......

1 minute read time.

So it has been a while since I posted, that is because my Wife was sent home from the hospital and with Christmas and work I have not had a spare minute. A lot to catch up on.

I am going to refer to my wife as Katie(her pets name). There is a reason for this, as I dont want people who read this to put two and two together, this is a personal thing for me to vent and sometimes hopefully inspire.

Since I last posted a lot has happened and my head is still spinning or is it just numb from everything, I'm not sure. The doctors and surgeons at the hospital decided to operate, it was due to last 3 to 4 hours but in reality took nearer 7. I cannot tell you how difficult this waiting was. You see Katie had major surgery two years ago and because she was so ill they said she wasn't well enough for this surgery but it went ahead anyway. The risks were massive so the extra few hours of waiting were unbearable. I knew nothing of how she was getting on or whether or not she was ok.

It turned out that while they had her open to remove the Cyst they had done other stuff too. We were told that this would a one time shot at  best anyway due to Katie's medical history. You see when Katie was told that her Cancer was terminal, they actually say inoperable or incurable. This means they will not operate unless they can remove all the cancer and "cure" her. This was not possible with my wife, but due to the Cyst they were forced to operate to save her life. She has now had the bowel cancer removed as well as an Hysterectomy and as well as having her appendix removed.

The Cyst was attched to her Ovaries hence the Hysterctomy and the appendix in case it got infected at some point. She has had the small bowel removed which has left her with a Stoma bag and she has started to enter the Menopause due to her hysterectomy. But on the bright side she has had her bowel cancer removed and we are seriously hoping this gives us many more years together. It is just the liver cancer we have to deal with now. So you see every cloud and all that.
