Interesting scars

1 minute read time.

My main abdominal scar - all 9 inches of it - has settled down well. Something they don't tell you beforehand is how this will look at first & how it will progress, although I was told the scar would fade to a silver line eventually.

Immediately post op there was an angry red ridge held by staples & my abdomen was uneven and lumpy. I felt a little disappointed at this. Tender & mucky with glue & blood. However, once the staples were removed after 12 days, the ridge soon relaxed flat with just a slight unevenness and continuing tenderness. Still rather lumpy abdomen on one side & various tubes in place on the other.

Having the stents until 7 weeks post op made for a very sore wound although otherwise I was fairly comfortable. Aches & twinges depending on activities. Now at 3 months, my abdomen has smoothed shape & the scar looks just pink and flat. The staple holes are still apparent - amazingly far apart now. My abdomen tends to swell as the day goes on & I still get aches which I take as a sign to slow down or rest for a bit.

It's quite hard to take on board what's been done inside, with so little to show now. I'm so lucky to have been able to have the neo instead of a stoma - I do wonder if I'd have been so glad to have surgery if this had been the only choice.

I also have two scars visible from the soft drain & the stents. Curiously the former, high up on my abdomen forms a T & the other, low down, forms an H - my initials!

  • FormerMember

    It will gradually fade.  I had one very angry looking patch long after the rest had returned to a more normal colour - but was told this was normal.  Yeah - I was disappointed too - for my £8300 + I expected at least a tummy tuck lol xx

  • I have lost a bit of weight & an inch or so, but that's from eating less.  I was very tempted to ask how much the bits they took out weighed!

    Noticed I still have a mark on my neck from having a line in. Thankfully no blood test this week, so my arms have a chance to recover.

  • FormerMember

    Teasswill, how are things one year and a half after the operation?

  • Great!

    I have been exercising more & feel very fit, am a healthy weight. Soft drain scar still a little pulled in & occasionally twinges turning over in bed. I have a slightly sensitive area upper left, where things have been rearranged internally. I can feel this when I have been twisting a lot or get very full.

    I can't forget what's been done as I have to live with a new way of urinating and I'm still conscious of drinking plenty (2 litres plus per day), but it feels like a new normal now. Now and again I measure output to check that I'm keeping up capacity. I have to do this for a few days prior to clinic appointments, it's a bit of a bind.