12 weeks on

1 minute read time.

As I don't seem able to add to my original blog, I've started a new one. This seems appropriate anyway as I left the last one just about to go for surgery.

After a diagnosis of TaG3 bladder cancer, I opted to go straight for surgery to minimise the risk of invasive recurence. I was fortunate to have the option of a neobladder. So on 1 Sep 2011 off I went for my operation.

Here I am now 12 weeks later and feeling very fit, although lacking in stamina which is only to be expected. Everyone tells me how well I am looking. Apart from the 9" scar & fatigue, I'm pretty much myself again, doing normal activities though I am yet to return to work.

It was a bit grim at times if the first days, and the process seems to have dragged on for ages. I had to have stents left in for 6 weeks which was rather sore. Also I had weekly visits to the specialist nurse to monitor my bladder training. This was progressing well - voiding with effort but capacity up to the desired volume and retained residue down to a satisfactory low level. Continence improving too.

However, after the stents came out 5 weeks ago, voiding ability gradually decreased and residue rocketed. The upshot is that I'm currently self-catheterising the residue each time I attempt to void. My consultant has booked me for a cystoscopy to investigate this. I'm sure we'll get it sorted eventually but I'm coping fine at the moment.

The realy good news is that the pathology report post op was all clear. My consultant has declared a 90 - 95% chance of my being cured - can't ask for better than that.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Teasswill,

    Congratulations on your Pathology report Results. All the best and Good luck look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Teasswill,

    So glad that you are doing well and you have had really good pathology results.  You must be delighted!

    Alan has finished his chemo and goes in on monday to have his bladder, prostrate and lymph nodes removed, and hope his pathology results will be as good as yours!

    Take care,


  • Thank you so mcuh. I feel really lucky & wish everyone with cancer could get such good news.