Life after loss day 27

1 minute read time.

Well thank you to everyone who commented on day 26 post your kind words and comments helped.

Spent today nervously filling in time with jobs ~ shopping, sorting food, dragging my daughter uniform shopping in the evening when I know it is not as busy dreading that time of night when I get to sit and watch the seconds pass by seemingly taking hours.

And now it is the early hours of Wednesday morning when I relive the events of 27 days ago the same images rolling round again and again every Wednesday without fail. I hear his last words I love you so very much and wish he was here to tell me in person. Yet I know how much he loves me and that feels me with a sense of calm every other day.

Well as I sit here and ponder events I know that he is here tutting at my rambling as he always did when I waffled at night!!! Smiling at me as I explain how much I love him and chuckling at my list making ready for the next day, knowing that I'll only manage half of the A4 list and what is not ticked off will start the next list!!!


  • FormerMember

    Hello again,

    Thanks for your update. In a strange way you are helpig me - I'm having chemo for NSCLC, after surgery to remove the bottom lobe of my right lung. The cancer was discovered in March and was at a fairly early stage, but I still fear the little "rogue" cells that are floating around in my bloodstream ( I was told they found some after the op.)and I'm not exactly confident that it won't come back in another place.

    What helps me about your posts is that I know my lovely partner of 16 years ( who incidentally has recently, and again, asked me to marry him - we got engaged in 2000 but never got round to tying the knot!) will fall apart if I go first. I need to think hard about how to make things easier for him if that happened. I don't know yet how on earth I can do that, but the love you and your husband shared - and still do - and your practical attitude and most of all your frankness, all help. I have already thought about filling the garden this autumn with loads of spring bulbs, because he knows I love the spring and they will give him a lift, I ope. A he loves gardening it might encourage him to keep "our little piece of England" as he calls it, well-tended even if he temporarily loses interest immediately after my demise. So, thanks again for your posts.

    with love,


  • FormerMember

    Hi I am glad that my words have been some comfort and help to you.

    The things that have helped me is knowing that I did and I am still doing everthing my husband asked me to do. We had that difficult conversation ~ putting your affairs into order shortly after he was diagnosised with the secondary brain tumour as our biggest fear was that this tumour would affect his ability to express his wishes. With this in mind we wrote everything down during this conversation so that we could refer to it when I / we were not sure about anything. Even from the inital diagnosis of the lung cancer I had recorded every consulation and this helped us both as sometimes it was overwhelming when news, new diagnosis etc is given and all your want to do is switch off, put your fingers in your ears and yell 'lal blah blah la' so you can't hear the shattering truth of what is happening. I still have the 3 note books I kept and when I get into a fluster with the what ifs I can sit and look back at them and understand again what happened.

    Your garden idea with the bulbs sounds fantastic perhaps you could develop a special place in the garden together where if the worst happens your husband could go to to feel especially closer to you ~ your special area where he can seek comfort and solace.

    With love Louise x