day 26

1 minute read time.

I lost my husband to NSCLC 26 days ago, and the massive sense of loss still overwhelms me on a daily basis. At just 51 he had everything, we had plans, hopes and dreams then suddenly 8 months ago we were hit by the steam train of cancer. Huge problems arose at various points ~ secondary cancer in the brain followed by the bones yet we always strived to protect our families and my husband bravely fought each day.

I sometimes feel I let him down ~ and the what if questions form in my head What if I had taken better care of him? What if I had worked hard to find solutions, treatments? What if I had had gone with him to the GP earlier? I know that the what if's will eventually shrink but for now they ring around my head like alarm bells sounding, so I sit and write them down and then talk them through to make sense of them.

One of the hardest parts is not being able to talk through things with him, we had spend our lives together working through ups and downs by each others side, so now as I muddle through the vast amounts of 'sorting' and hit obstacles I miss the chat we would have had about those things. So several days ago I can up with the idea of writing a journal after all we often wrote letters to each other just to brighten up our days or express our love. So now each night I write to him in my journal and sometimes the problems I faced no longer seem enourmous.

I am determined not to let him down, let my life come to a stand still, but to use every experience we had together shape my path and make me stronger. The priviledge of our love will live on x

  • FormerMember


    I find my self to be in a similar situation as yourself, as i am coping with the loss of losing my mum, who was only 59, who was diagnosied with CNS lymphoma in the brain six weeks ago. she deteriated so quick that i lost her two weeks ago today. It all happened to quick that am still in disbelieve with it all.

    I myself have racked my own brain with the what if's, or if only i had done different. i feel riddled in guilt that i could have maybe done something else. But at the time i could only carry out her wishes and that was to look after her till the end. But that dont make those doubts lessen.

    My mum was also my best friend who i done everything with, i miss not being able to just talk to her and coping with not seeing her again feels so surreal, which breaks my heart every day.

    Thats why i find this site, to be so helpful. As it stops the feeling of me being so alone, as it makes me realise that other people are coping with similar situations as myself.

    But like you my love for my mum with always remain and the memories i have of her, no one can never take them away from me. I am determined that cancer can not take everything away from me.

    your in my thoughts. X