Life's adventures

  • Waiting

     02.03.25 This has been the most difficult week yet. Rod was admitted to the oncology ward for rehydration and to have a stent fitted. That was on Monday and he's still there today, Sunday. He was put on blood infusions because his counts we...
  • Pleasure, pain

    The cancer is spreading and growing at an incredible rate. Difficult to believe that, in one month, we've driven to the Alps and back for a skiing holiday, had an overnight theatre break and have flown to Krakow for a city break; then we got the ...
  • Highs and lows

    So, 1st follow up CT scan had shown a 50% reduction in all tumours. The next showed continued improvement and we were feeling very optimistic. The Christmas period was a struggle for Rod because the mouth soreness caused by the mucositis made eating ...
  • Results!

    Follow up appointment with the oncologist today. Great news. The tumour and lymph nodes have been shrunk by 50%. The MDT told Rod this is the best outcome they could hope for at this stage. He thought he was getting a whole cycle off but, because his...
  • Pit stop

    After the wtf moment back in August, when the gastrointestinal surgeon apologetically informed my husband that his cancer was inoperable, he is 4 cycles into palliative treatment. This is FOLFOX and Nivolumab, fortnightly. He also has an infusion of ...