Oct 4th

Less than one minute read time.

 Everyday is a roller coaster now. Sunday ed didnt know what to do with himself, bed, chair, bed , chair. We had little chats about funeral and stuff, tears and cuddles but i thought at least he is coming to terms a bit with the situation. Today he fired up and made it to hospital app. He continues with chemo on Wednesday! I dont know if Im coming or going. At least I took the chemo tablets back to show he hadnt taken them but the oncologist said he would proceed with herceptin and no tablets if Ed wanted. Ed wanted! So we shall see how that goes. When we got home Ed went straight to bed and i write this. Where we shall find the strength to carry on I just dont know. Ed is up every 2 hours or even 50 minutes during the night. Even a sleeping tablet didnt work last night. Whatever he has should be identified and bottled!  Less than 7 stone , how does he do it? I wish I had his stamina. Watch this space........ Love to everyone, may you have a good day, love leisha xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Leisha,

    Look after eachother and plenty of Hugs and Cuddles.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Leisha,

                         You are being amazing for Ed, even though it is so hard to see him this way. He is trying to continue the fight and you will find the strength to support him and be there for him. I hope you are able to take short breaks so that you can "recharge" and resume the rollercoaster ride.

                           Love and hugs to you both,

                                       lizzie xx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Leisha

    I feel your pain coming through your post.  Well done you for having the courage to have those discussions.  As Sarsfield says, plenty of hugs whenever you can.  

    Lots of love,


  • Dear Leisha, I can practically feel your exhaustion, so I’m sending you hugs to help you cope and a shoulder to prop you up and also strength to help you cope.

    Love and Hugs

    Crystal xx

  • FormerMember

    Thankyou my dearest friends. Its funny really, I cant even remember if I told you I joined a group of `oldies` training for the London Marathon 2012! I want to raise money for cancer research. I havent the energy to put on my trainers just now and its the first proper session Wednesday, same day as Eds chemo. Can I match Ed and don the trainers. My first real test maybe to emulate his fighting spirit. hopong you all have a good day, love leisha xxxxx