leggy Griffs blog

  • August 17th 2011


    been recovering well,Back to work.Energy levels good,no pain.Odd day bowels playing up but seems to be righting itself.Sleeping without being upright now and can toss and turn but still keep head a bit elavated.eating well although portions smaller.One of boys waiting for exam results!! Other one doing a play at his TV dama school! starting to go places again now i feel well eg Theatre,hotel breaks,holidays,days out.Never…

  • JULY 28th 2011


    I am doing ok and getting energy levels back.Am having a break off site for a while as it can effect me emotionally and is no good for my well being.My way of coping.Be back in a few weeks time we hope as coming up 1 year since diagnosis.

  • 17 weeks pre op!


    At last avairy finished so my boy Jack starts breeding the budgies.Yes 17 wekks since op and what a rocky road its been with no doubt few more suprises!!! Back to work in 5 weeks.Feeling much better now eating reasonably well have energy at last! Creon capsules prescribed seem to stop those cramps.

  • Doing too much


    Been busy with build of avairy.Tired as done too much!! So slowing down to pace myself.Started doin light weights to build up weak muscles and enjoying that.Appetite off a bit but had a cold.

  • Creon capsules


    Feeling great.The Creon capsules seem to be helping the cramps and digestion.Anyone who has same problems see if you can be prescribed them.I did after seeing advice on macmillan site and sufferers of the same advising and helping with what to do.Sleepin eating so much better and dont seem at the moment to be afflicted with any other probs ref the cancer,treatment and the op!So am grateful and taking each day as it comes…