It's just the start.

2 minute read time.

Hello world


This is my first week on here and thought I would start writing my blog to share with you all the story of my life, my family, my feelings and fears.


Before I start my blog I just want to give you an insight to my life before the phone call..........

I'm a bubbly blonde 38yr old from Preston, Lancashire & I'm the oldest of 3 children. I have a brother & sister and mum and dad. My blog is all about my dad. My dad known to some as 'pops' well how would I describe him to you ummmmm........a complete joker, very funny dry sense of humour, positive thinking guy who is very much a handy Andy crossed with a comedian then crossed with peacemaker. If you need anything doing in your house painting, building, DIY you name it and he can do it! He's the family peacemaker always keeping us all happy and of course family comedian, think Peter Kay crossed with John bishop family humour without all the rude stuff.


And so I will begin my blog:


Wed 31st Aug - just back from a mini holiday in Ibiza I'm shattered after a few days clubbing, drinking and sunbathing. Call home about 6pm to say hi and see how my dad is, he was unwell for 3 weeks prior to my holiday and so unusual to see my dad unwell. Dad answers the phone he's been having tests at hospital which I know about, I say hi how are you? He replies " I've been at the hospital today having tests and I have cancer" he then passed the phone to my mum.

I remain calm whilst talking to my mum. Once I put the phone down I realise that life has changed forever but I must remain strong.


Sun 4th Sept - Went to my parents house to see my dad only stayed a short while as dad not good and very tired. I was glad to see my dad even though he was very quiet. Mum said dad didn't want to talk about the cancer at all so we just chatted about tv sport etc.


Tues 6th Sept - Dad is taken into hospital he is having breathing issues and has to have a chest drain. 


Sun 11th Sept - Dad is now in a different hospital and we have been told he has lymphoma cancer but do not know what lymphoma or what stage he is at. I fear dad has told the doctors not to talk to us. Myself and my sister go with my mum to see dad. He is very quiet, not eating much and certainly not up for guests we leave after 30mins. I think dad is in total shock. We still can't talk about the cancer which is now starting to irritate me as I much prefer to know what I'm dealing with. I hope that soon I can talk to dad about the cancer, only time will tell. I know he knows as chemo is hopefully starting this week.


Mon 12th Sept - Waiting to hear when dad starts chemo and what chemo he will have. Hoping dad will allow us to talk to the doctor soon. Overall i just want my friendly chatty dad back.

  • FormerMember

    HI Lancashirelassy,

    My heart goes out to you. The roll of carers and supporters is difficult enough when you are kept in the picture, but is doubly so when you don't know what the medical team is saying.

    I hope that in time your father can open up to you and your mum so that you can better support him.

    Hope Dad's treatment gives you many more happy days with him and he returns to his roll as family comedian.


  • FormerMember

    Hi LancashireLassy,

    It's awfuk not knowing, I remember the week waiting to hear if my dad's cancer was treatable or terminal and it felt like 50 years, awful. Your dad is probably in a bit of shock, give him a little time and he'll get his head round it and hopefully start letting you know what's going on. Cancer is terribly hard on carers as well as patients, here's hoping your dad's treatment is 100% successful and you get your family joker back soon, love Vikki xxx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks guys for the support! Yes with time I think I will gain more knowledge on my dads cancer and he may start opening up more. Like you say it's frustrating feels like forever.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Lass,

    It will take time before your Dad realises that he will have to talk to his Family about his Cancer. In the meantime

    just be there for him to give him support and understanding and most of all Love which you seem to have in abundance. All the best and Good Luck. Keep in touch.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Sorry you've found yourself here, it's so sad. Your words are exactly the same as mine, life has changed forever. My sort is about my dad if you want to read it.

    Your dad is trying to be strong so he doesn't worry you all, taking it all in, handling it as head of the family and I totally understand your feelings and how you want to be there, support him, he doesn't have to be brave and cope, you will cope as a family, a rock hard unity.

    His type of cancer has good survival rates, he needs to be positive and keep eating top keep his strength up. He needs reassurance that he can get through this.

    Hugs, xx