End of BCG phase 1.....

1 minute read time.

Just finished my sixth week of BCG treatment. After the first one, which seemed to have no effect whatsover, the effects kicked in good and proper from week 2......

I will never cease to be amazed at what one can get down a very small tube from the bladder ! For about 6 hours after a treatment it was, at  times, like someone had set off a small hand grenade in my bladder.....I suppose that it's a sign that it's doing something in there - hopefully beneficial. I was tempted (but resisted....) to photograph the debris, as I was somewhat taken aback by some of the fallout.

Having spent most afternoons after the treatment drinking vast amounts (8+ pints) of cold water, in order to flush my system,  it eventually dawned on me that this might well be a contibutory factor in me feeling very chilled....I was effectively adding a conservative 15 degrees centigrade to 8 pints of water, over about three hours. Knowing the energy required to raise the temperature of a kilo of water by one degree was quite substantial (engineering background....!), I figured out that I was basically chilling myself like a car radiator....so switched to drinking vast mugs of ginger tea instead, and felt the better for it !

Had to prod the clerical bods about the next steps (a pattern here, it seems), namely a suggested cystoscopy to check how things have been going in there and how effective the TRBTs and BCG have been.

I apparently get 6 weeks off the BCG, then a 3 week "maintenance therapy" of it. Will see what the verdict is then.....

  • FormerMember
    Just wonder how you are doing on bcg I am also on 6th and having some joint problems that seem to occur about 8 weeks after thr treatment. This has happened twice now .Have you heard of this. Dotntel