Kiltyboy's bladder odyssey.....

  • Encore.......


    Well, it's a while since I've been on here, but thought I'd make an effort to keep (vaguely) up to date.

    Had another TURBT back in February (not a major growth, but unwelcome anyway), and going in for another one tomorrow.

    I don't know if it's a pattern, or just coincidence, but the past three flexible cystoscopies have shown successively smaller "space invaders" each time. I'm kind of hoping that "trend"…

  • Slight regression.....


    Well the good news was good....till it wasn't.

    Went for a flexible cystoscopy a couple of weeks back, and it looks like I've got some new visitors..... smallish, and apparently superficial, but there.

    Would have been nice to have had a clean sheet for a bit longer....

    The doc who did the cystoscopy didn't seem massively au fait with the technology..... was getting fantastic footage of my innards (never seen…

  • Post cystoscopy good news......


    Just got phoned up with the sample results from the cystoscopy, two weeks ago. Though it was a bit of a vague phone call, the essence was that the samples taken at the cystoscopy came back clear, and they don't want me back till about 3 months time, to have another inspection.

    They seem to have dropped the idea of having more BCG treatment.

    Glad to hear the news, though I had managed to not worry unduly in the first…

  • Post Cystoscopy.


    Well, it looks like the gods may be smiling at me - a bit anyway. Today's cystoscopy came out spotting two very early TCC (????) which got a bit of a kicking from the surgeons. Other than that, no major signs of invasion.

    Still got to wait for the result of biopsies taken today, and am due some follow up BCG.

  • What awaits inside ?


    Going in for a GA cystoscopy tomorrow, to see if the 2 TURBTs and 6 weeks of BCG have had the desired effect.

    Funnily enough, I don't have many strong feelings about it....

    Yes, i'm curious, on a technical level, to know what the effect of all the tubes and treatments has been, though, on a day to day basis , I haven't been feeling anything other than normal.

    Would obviously prefer good news to bad....…