Onco Check-in 28/01/2025

1 minute read time.

I had my first CT scan after I stopped treatment on 17/01/25 and today I popped in to WGH Edinburgh to check-in with M.  

It seems I've forgotten all my treatment management tricks.  I wore a (new) top with tight fitting sleeves and a long sleeved thermo (I am always cold). I had to wear a gown for the first scan ever.  I came off the cycle path a junction too early on the way there, and a junction too late on the way back!   I must have never been for 3:15pm either because the trains there didn't fit very well.  

Radiology was a bit confused because I am still regarded as being on the trial, even though treatment has stopped.  They didn't know where to send the results and my onco chased and was able to get a verbal update on the phone. 

The kidney tumour is still 23mm, same as when I stopped treatment.    Next scan in 6 months.  In year 4 we go to annual scans and (I can't remember when) subsequently we say our goodbyes.   

We had a bit of a chat about trials.  We don't know what interesting trend my stats followed.  But they may use my data in future trials (and I wouldn't know about it) because they frequently need data from "good responders" for research projects.

We took some bloods as a final check and M will give me a phone with the results and post the scan report to me.  I am in Scotland so there's no log-in-to-your-own-NHS-records here, yet.  

All-in-all nothing much to say.    

  • So glad you have remained stable. I dream of being allowed a 6 month window between scans! 

  • Just perused your blogs - great to read, and to see how you get on and live your life without the cancer dominating everything. 

    The latest news sounds positive... nothing happening is good, right? I struggle with this sometimes myself as part of me wants to feel like I'm doing 'more' even as current treatment is still effective.

    Hope you get a good result from the scans Thumbsup

  • It's very encouraging to read your blog with your progress and gives me hope that hopefully the immunotherapy (Ipi/Niv) will contnue to work for me.