Diagnosis - 24 Nov 2021

1 minute read time.

It was my first meeting with my Urologist today after an abnormal abdominal ultrasound scan and a subsequent CT scan. The "thing" on my left kidney is cancer and it has spread to my lungs. My urologist is referring me to an Oncologist and getting a biopsy. Both in around 4-6 weeks time. It cannot be cured because it's already spread, but it is treatable.  Management is the objective.

I read the room as each diagnostic piece was slowly delivered over the last three months, so I went into the appointment prepared. Although I did think it may be contained within the kidney so I might "just" looking at a nephrectomy perhaps. I don't feel ill and I have no symptoms.

It all began with a cough I couldn't shift for four months (not covid!) and lots of tests at the GP. Rubbish liver function results then lead to the ultrasound scan. An incidental finding I think they call it.

I am not afraid to die, but no black clothes at my funeral please, else you won't be allowed in! I am just sad that I may be unlikely to experience my children's epic milestones, like graduating, starting work, and settling down. They are 17 and 20. Hubby a bit shocked.

But who knows. Maybe we can press the pause button and I will get to go to the party.

I am 52, female. Oh and I really feel like "sod work" right now. It's really not important, is it?!

* As posted on the Cancer Research UK Cancer Chat forum on 24 Nov 2021.   
