A Poem

1 minute read time.

I was inspired by  to write a poem!  And by  to share it.  Thanks guys!

A foe is growing inside of me
Bad cells, multiplying
Hitching a ride on my organs and blood stream
Wearing me down
Eating into me
Weight dropping off
Feeling tired and lethargic.

Me, my immune system and my Team
Pump in the drugs, monthly.
Watch the scan images show decreasing size
The weight returns
Energy levels increase
The Mind adapts.

It's going so well
But the inflammation is too much
The kidneys struggle
Mitigating drugs required.
Red light.

The waiting is too much
The uncertainty, the void.
The watching the minute symptoms, looking for decline
Is it the end for this drug, so soon?

The careful return,
The threshold for cycle two,
Knife edge.

Made it!
Cycle two, three, four and five.
Back to how I used to feel.
Hello life, and fun things
But still always Cold.

The black cloud hangs overhead
Threatening to take control
To impact Life
Ever present. Never easy. Sometimes overwhelming.
Coping strategies adopted. Sometimes they work.

The three monthly protocol
But scan images levelling out.
But I hold firm onto target One.
Graduation of the Youngest One.
Positive attitude.
I Will Survive (for now).
