kezzerbird's blog

  • Kezzerbird and the dreaded scan results

    Hi guys..............has promised my scan results are that I am not out of the woods just yet, but the cancer that was removed by surgery hasn't returned, some tumours have shrunk, they can't see the tumours in my stomach linning but that doesn't mean that they have gone and what is on my spleen maybe a cyst or dead tissue. I have to have check ups every 6 weeks. Not in remission just yet but am on the way there. I have…
  • The dreaded scan results

    Hi guys......................Well tomorrow is the day where I get my results from THE scan and I am bricking it! Good, bad or indifferent it will be time to decide on alot of things in my life. The one one thing I shall be doing this year is dusting off my beloved motor bike, which I haven't ridden for a year and blowing some cobwebs out of my head. Just have to get strong enough to hold the damn thing up right (it's…
  • Roll on February

    Hi guys.................Yesterday I saw my consultant and tonight I am in hospital for fluids at midnight and chemo 10 in the morning, my last chemo of this batch anyway. I get a break for six weeks and inbetween I have a CT scan. It is THE SCAN, the one that will make all the difference. I should know the results on the 16th of February and for the first time since this nightmare began almost 10 months ago, I am scared…
  • I have a fat roll!!

    Hi guys..............Just thought I would lighten the mood on this site and let you all know that I have a tiny fat roll appearing around my stomache. What! you may say,is that anything to brag about? In my case the answer is YES, a few months ago I made Kate Moss look fat. I was a tiny creature wrapped up in skin and now folks, there it was, a little fat roll ha ha! No more size 6 for me, back up to a size 10, trying…
  • 2009 here we go again!

    Hi guys............I would first like to wish everyone a happy new year and I hope this one will bring along some joy. I did manage to do some partying over the Christmas period but was too tired to go out New years eves but did see it in I am having chemo number 10 on the 6th and will hopefully know, what the future will bring by mid February after my CT scan. I feel hopeful at the moment, I haven't goten any worse and…