Roll on February

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Hi guys.................Yesterday I saw my consultant and tonight I am in hospital for fluids at midnight and chemo 10 in the morning, my last chemo of this batch anyway. I get a break for six weeks and inbetween I have a CT scan. It is THE SCAN, the one that will make all the difference. I should know the results on the 16th of February and for the first time since this nightmare began almost 10 months ago, I am scared, I am not sure if I'm scared for myself or my family and friends, it's a very strange feeling. It is the waiting game, it drives us all mad! Just needed to get this off my chest. MOAN OVER Love and hugs to those who want them.............................Carol x
  • FormerMember

    Hi Kezzer,

    Right, the waiting is the worst bit. I go for a blood test every three months then I sit around for an hour waiting for the lab to finish with it and to see the doc to make sure I'm still responding to treatment. (Or not.) That hour drives me demented so I have every symathy for your wait of several weeks. And what's worse than waiting in a dentist's waiting room? Or waiting for a bus? I could go on forever about waiting. It's my least favourite pastime.

    Anyway, I guess you're scared of the unknown and who wouldn't be? What can I say except I'm sending you warm patient thoughts!

    Best wishes, Shelagh

  • FormerMember

    You are right the waiting is the worst because your mind can talk you in and out of being positive or negative and drive you mad. Fingers crossed all the best and positive vibes to you Teresa x

  • FormerMember

    It is the worst thing ever ............Having to wait for results.I sort of convince myself that the results are going to be the worst, then think positive that everything will be O.K.  Yes & scared as well. Very scared. Im scared for me , Im scared for my family, especially my 14 year old who I may not see grow up. I try & make every day special for her. I even write a diary now, which I hope will give her some comfort. good Luck with all your treatment Carol & be assured that you are not alone with these feelings. I return love & hugs to you as well as yes I want as many hugs & love that I can get.            Love Lyn.xxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    What a relief to come to the end of this series of chemo at last - and at least you know that so far it has been working.  Waiting for results is always horrid but you are such a fighter, and have done so well so far on this regime, that I am sure you will have a positive outcome.  I read somewhere that a break in chemo during treatment for ovarian cancer is known as a 'treatment holiday' - I don't know whether that's tongue in cheek, but I hope you make the most of it - six whole weeks without chemo, hooray!  Are you going to be able to go away for a few days?  Sending you love and hugs as always

    Kate xxxx

  • FormerMember

    good luck Babe, will be thinking of you xxxxx